Have companies taken political correctness too far?

Washington, D.C. — Have companies taken political correctness too far?

Between Disney firing Gina Carano, eBay canceling Dr. Seuss books, and other companies’ controversial decisions, has political correctness gone too far?

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10 thoughts on “Have companies taken political correctness too far?

  1. On all subjects; the Democrats are again using the Third Reich’s Agenda. Their party is no better than that of the 1930’s Nazis.

  2. Communists are ALL ABOUT destroying the Cultures of countries they plan to occupy–after the citizens are disarmed of a matter of the course outlined 100 years Ago.

  3. Pc crap has gone way too far, cancel culture is way out of line, to damn many wimpy people in this world today that can’t “ handle life “ and can’t get over themselves.

  4. The political correctness is a control additive that the liberals use to keep the minorities voting for them , it starts like one race , negro ,colored , black , and afro-American . Gee some of these terms are political incorrect .Witch ones are ? Just depends on who you talk to and about what you are talking about doesn’t it?

  5. We are Americans . . .our nation was founded on the principal of citizens being in charge of their own lives. . .No national government directing what we do or how we do it as long as it doesnt mess up other people and their lives. . .Our government was set up with the internyion that the Federal government DID NOT control the individuals rights or freedom. . The Fed responsibility was planned to be only large functions such as the military, oversight of national parks etc. etc. BUT ALL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE AT LARGE. IN OTHER WORDS BOTTOM UP NOT TOP DOWN RULE. IN ORDER TO RETURN TO THAT PLAN THAT MADE US SO WONDERFUL WE DEFINITELY NEED TERM LIMITS FOR ALL FEDERAL ELECTED OFFICES, YES INCLUDING HOUSE AND SENATORS. AND LIKE ALL OTHER NATIONS WE NEED TO GET CONTROL OF OUR BORDERS AND STOP ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ! !. THIS IS TO IMPORTANT TO PLAY POLITICAL FOOTBALL WITH !!!

  6. here we are, 1930’s italy, germany, spain, russia, china, all communist countries, 1984 ideas, etc, one of many steps to eliminate freedoms, control the media, done, steal elections, done, censorship, almost there, create a panic, like a virus, done by chinese millitay, controlling mandates, so called red flag laws with out due process,done, disarm the law abiding citizens almost there, make it next to impossible for law abiding citizens to purchase fire arms, ammo, done, encourage sheeple to snitch on neighbors, same with children, indoctrinate children in schools the long plan done, 1930’s europe, over tax the hard working people, done, give our tax dollars to countries who hate us, done, while giving the real tax payers the middle finger, done,etc. So what will the real citizens do, as the government screws are tighten every week now on our Constitutional rights, just wondering

  7. This cancel culture is ridiculous! I’m so sick of it. If something bothers you that much, don’t buy it, don’t read it, avoid those things.
    How about if something bothers you…. keep it to yourself. None of this is offensive to the “normal person!”
    What is offensive to me is Cancel Culture. Quit canceling things. Maybe it’s time to CANCEL the Cancelers. Put Aunt Jemima back, my Dr Seuss books, the Indian Princess on Land of Lakes and everything else that’s been canceled. And for God’s sake grow up!!!

  8. Yes. Companies have gone too far. This is still America and a free Country. We the Patriot ppl must fight against them for taking away our freedoms that OUR CONSTITUTION says we have. I’m sick to death of politicians telling us what we can and what we cannot do. Almost every American stood home , wore a mask and lost money or their business’s cuz democrats wanted to tank Trumps economy cuz they FEAR HIM. Now biden has opened our borders and told illegal aliens come here and we will support you and give you amnesty forever. How horrible is this, we are in the middle of a pandemic trying our best to stop it and Biden let’s thousands of illegal aliens in most with no masks and no testing. The few that were tested positive were allowed to board busy busses and travel across Country. Hello American ppl flying home from different places are told they have to stay in a hotel at their own expense for 14 days but ILLEGAL ALIENS GET TO ROAM AMERICA FREE. THIS MUST STOP. WE THE PPL ARE BEING PUSHED OUT OF OUR OWN COUNTRY JUST SO ILLEGAL ALIENS WILL VOTE DEMOCRAT. I’M 77 AND HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH HATE FROM DEMOCRATS AND SADLY I USED TO BE A DEMOCRAT. I FEAR FOR MY FAMILY TO HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS. MY DAD FOUGHT IN WW2 SO WE COULD LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY. HE WOULD TURN OVER IN HIS GRAVE IF HE KNEW WHAT HIS PARTY WAS DOING TO OUR COUNTRY . GOD HELP US ALL. 🙏

  9. Political Correctness empowers the “Speech Police” It is a blatant attempt to silence free speech. As an American you are allowed to say things I don’t like but I reserve the same right for myself. After the speech police come the thought police. Sadly enough,they are already here.

  10. I feel like our government has become so in effective, in sufficient, it’s to big, and they are out of touch with most of the people. Our political parties don’t work for the American people. They work for themselves and special interest groups. It’s all about power and money. Pay for play. They become rich off our backs. America needed a major change, Trump was that major change. I’m very disappointed in what is taking place now.

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