Gov. Cuomo’s Aide Admits Administration Hid Nursing Home Deaths from Feds

Albany, NY — Governor Andrew Cuomo’s aid admitted that the Cuomo administration hid nursing home deaths from federal prosecutors.

The New York Post dropped the bombshell report Thursday night.

Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa admitted the administration covered up the deaths in order to avoid a federal investigation while the Trump administration accused the governor of causing excess deaths in nursing homes. The tell-all confession was recorded during a call with Democrat legislators.

DeRosa claimed they “froze” when Trump asked for an investigation into nursing home deaths in the state.

“Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation.”

Secretary to the Gov. Melissa DeRosa, from the New York Post

According to this confession, Cuomo hid the nearly 6,000 uncounted deaths from the people of New York. Until recently, Cuomo denied that his administration hid the long-term care facility data from the public. Worse still, just days ago, he dismissed the deaths as if they were unimportant.

The New York Attorney General released a report stating the administration undercounted long-term care facility deaths by as much as 50 percent. It also placed blame on Cuomo, who ordered nursing homes to accept residents regardless of whether or not they were infected with COVID-19.

In a conference following the release of the Attorney General’s report, Cuomo stated, “Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

While the state did not undercount total deaths, it did hide from the people where a significant number of deaths occurred.

Democrat Assemblyman Ron Kim, who was on the call with DeRosa, lost his uncle to COVID-19 in April. He is presumed to have died in a nursing home, according to the New York Post.

Kim told the Post that the administration needed to explain “to the public and families — and they hadn’t done that.”

No kidding!

The families who lost loved ones deserve more than an explanation and an apology from Cuomo. They deserve his resignation.

Cuomo regularly received praise from liberal media outlets for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He even accepted an Emmy award for his daytime coronavirus press briefings despite New York suffering the second-highest COVID-19 death rate in the country.

Now, Cuomo owes it to the people of New York, especially the families who lost loved ones due to his failed leadership, to do one last coronavirus press briefing. It is time for Cuomo to hand over the control he so greedily clutches.

According to this report, Cuomo lied to the federal government. Worse than that, he lied to people who trusted him to lead. Cuomo should resign in disgrace with his tainted Emmy award and the earnings from his book about leadership during the coronavirus pandemic.

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3 thoughts on “Gov. Cuomo’s Aide Admits Administration Hid Nursing Home Deaths from Feds

  1. Another Democrat that can’t govern, grew up in an Irish-Italian neighborhood in South Philadelphia the running joke at the time was give a wheel barrel to an Italian and right away he is a contractor. Cuomo should learn a hard lesson, that being honest and telling the truth might have made him a better man.

  2. No the worst agency FBI won’t do my thing they don’t care about human life I know I begged then to help my son but they covered up for correction officers I have documents to prove what I am saying they left a blind person die at there hands so why would you think they would care about all those beautiful loving people don’t look for justice with them you won’t get it

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