Fauci Suggests Schools Should Require Unvaccinated Kids to Wear Masks in the Fall

Washington, D.C. — Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested schools should require unvaccinated kids to wear masks in the fall.

Fauci made the comments in a recent CNN interview.

Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “You’ve said that elementary school kids, young kids probably won’t get vaccinated until the end of this year. So, should kids still be wearing masks when they go back to school this fall?”

Fauci responded, “First of all, the schools should be open, face-to-face, in-person classes in the fall. We absolutely have to do that. And in those situations, if the child, which obviously, elementary school kids are not vaccinated, they should wear a mask. And I’d almost guarantee that most of the schools are going to say, you have to wear a mask if you’re in the school and unvaccinated.”

From Breitbart

“First of all,” Fauci should have been advocating for schools to return to “face-to-face, in-person classes” last spring or even fall. Instead, the chief health authority in the country went on a complete power trip, claiming gloom and doom would befall children if they returned to school.

Now, Fauci is suggesting we force parents to vaccinate their children, who are the least at-risk for complications due to COVID-19 if they want to take off their mask.

Folks, Fauci is unwilling to let go of the power and authority he gained in the last year. However, this is worse than a power-hungry bureaucrat unwilling to relinquish control.

Fauci is effectively advocating for forced vaccinations. He wants to force parents and children who do not feel comfortable or are not able to get a COVID-19 vaccine to do it anyway. A requirement like this is an assault on individual liberty and privacy rights.

Fauci and the rest of the authoritarian left want unvaccinated children to wear masks as a mark of shame. He is sending a message, as President Joe Biden did just days ago — comply, or else.

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18 thoughts on “Fauci Suggests Schools Should Require Unvaccinated Kids to Wear Masks in the Fall

  1. How much longer are we going to have to listen to this idiot? He has no idea what he is talking about, changes his story almost every day or anytime someone asks him about what we should do. He is no more an ‘expert” than I am.The taxpayers are having to pay this joker over $400,000 a year, more than the president, and for What? Garbage that comes out of his mouth every time he opens it? Fire this idiot and quit listening to his crap. Want advice from an “expert” like Fauci? Go down to skid row and ask the biggest wino you can find his opinion. Probably get a better answer and wont cost you anything except maybe a bottle of wine.

  2. When are we going to STOP giving this quack attention? STOP feeding his self importance! He has not been right in 90% of what rhetoric he spews.

  3. Fauci can wear all the masks he wants, we’ll even send him all ours! Those he can deposit in a place “where the sun don’t shine” (to use a common phrase)!

  4. Throw this son of a bit@h in federal prison. Who the hell does the almighty all knowing fraud Faucci think he is. He’s forcing kids to get the poison!! I hope ppl sue the hell out of him. I don’t have school age kids and hey you fraud I’m 72 and ain’t buying into your phoney money scheme of yours snd gates! I’ve had enough I pray ppl fight this maniac now!

  5. Fauci has been discredited so many times I wonder why anyone listens to him. He changes his mind every other day.

  6. Good luck with that Dr Fauci!!! We are ALL giving up our masks, and, of course, this includes the children!!!

  7. little man, and his band of little minded people will not give up the spot light, will not give up the control that intoxicates them, they are all drunk on the fumes from their own personal exhaust. We have been seeing snippets of the real truth sneak out about this socialist experiment. There are more people asking the why questions, asking why was the chinese military conjuring up a virus in the biological lab, to what end? Then the lab burns down, all of the people who worked there disappears, vanished. Then the chinese communist government waits a month or 2 before saying any thing, while allowing their people to travel about the world, some contagious? Here the liberal/socialist seize the opportunity to inflict economic chaos on the people, socialist rules, (much like hitler). The end result people lost jobs, manufacturing slowed or stopped, sheeple huddled in their hovels, afraid to go out. Now we are finding out as many have been saying all a long mask, no mask, social distancing , did not make a difference, but caused a rise in crazy sheeple, respiratory problems, mental disorders, health issues, putting on wait, finding out you do not like your family 24/7. Now that the damage is done to all people, businesses, the liberal/socialist act like they saved the day, but in reality they screwed up again as they all ways do when in charge, when will sheeple learn. So the “vaccine” is not really a vaccine, but they call it a vaccine, and other liberal/socialist trick, it is actually gene therapy, which those who were injected will need additional, injections. Got to wonder what else will they put in the gene therapy, saw some chatter about the gene therapy being combined with a real vaccine for flu, or what else. There appears to be some who are getting sick from the therapy, some have died, the liberal/socialist and their media orcs keep burying the information, so sheeple keep doing the polis, until the blood rushes to your head

  8. Fauci is promoting child abuse. Requiring children, who are not at risk, to be vaccinated is clearly child abuse.

  9. And nobody has brought up the subject of the felon Fauci donating millions of taxpayers’ money to the Wuhan lab promoting the CCP flu. I imagine that the meager $400,000 we pay him is pale compared to what he’s been paid under the table to keep the plandemic going ad infinitum. I do not wear a foolish face rag, I will not allow anyone to stick untried poison into my body, and if I had children, I’d fight to my death to prevent anyone from forcing them to. I have to bite my tongue every time someone announces proudly “I’ve had BOTH shots!” My God, I feel like I’m looking at a potentially maimed and dead person. This narcissistic moron needs to crawl back into his little unrecognized hole and let the world get over the damage he’s inflicted.

  10. So the people that are the Least Likely to contract the Communist Chinese Party’s Corona Virus are going to continue to ware masks even though the CDC has said that School Children either Don’t get the Virus or if they do get it they get very mild symptoms. So to Fauci this indicates that they should ware masks. What happened to Follow the Science? Just Which Science is Fauci following? Is this coming from his Friends and Fellow Scientists at the Wuhan Lab in Communist China?
    I think that it is time for Fauci to Go as Far Away as Possible.

  11. Fauci lied, people died day 1 on Task Force
    ALL politics NO Science for masks.
    ALL Games.
    CA lockdown ends 6-15
    Charge Fauci for war crimes killing 30M + with virus day 1 since Dec 2019

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