DOJ Claims Vaccine Mandates Are Legal

Washington, D.C. — The Department of Justice claims that vaccine mandates are legal in both the public and private sectors.

The DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel wrote an opinion stating that it is not against federal law to require vaccines “as a condition of employment, enrollment, participation, or some other benefit, service, relationship, or access.”

None of the COVID-19 vaccines being distributed in U.S. have full FDA approval. However, that doesn’t matter to the DOJ.

The opinion states that the law does not prohibit private and public entities from mandating vaccines allowed under emergency use authorizations (EUA’s).

“As access to the COVID-19 vaccines has become widespread, numerous educational institutions, employers, and other entities across the United States have announced that they will require individuals to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment, enrollment, participation, or some other benefit, service, relationship, or access.”

“For instance, certain schools will require vaccination in order for students to attend class in person, and certain employers will require vaccination as a condition of employment.” 

While the DOJ did issue this opinion, the courts have not ruled whether or not EUA’s can be required as a condition of employment or otherwise.

That has not stopped health care facilities, schools, and other places of business from requiring their employees to get stuck — but that is not even the biggest issue with the DOJ’s opinion.

The DOJ’s opinion goes further than just employees. It includes students and people simply participating in events. The true goal of the DOJ’s opinion on this is to lay the groundwork for wider vaccine requirements.

Whether the mandate is directly from the government or from private businesses indirectly “encouraged” by the government to put mandates in place, the current administration wants to force everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This opinion, authored by the DOJ, is an effort to move the needle in that direction.

The vaccine has its merits, but no free person should be forced to take a vaccine that they do not want to take, especially if that vaccine is not yet fully approved under the current regulations. Children should not be forced to take a vaccine in order to receive a public education.

It is a fundamental right for people to choose what they put into their bodies. Full stop. Period.

The DOJ, under President Joe Biden’s administration, is attempting to create a class system in the U.S. where the “good guys” are vaccinated and the “bad guys” are not.

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48 thoughts on “DOJ Claims Vaccine Mandates Are Legal

  1. Mask do not work, control object vaccine don’t work, do believe in any of this, thank you.

  2. As a concerned adult I willingly took the vaccines. The coronavirus was a death sentence to many people and I had no intention to bet my life that I would survive the disease should I contact it. I counseled my children and grandchildren to do the same. They did. However, it is not my place to tell anyone else they are wrong for making a decision contrary to the one I made for myself. Each person has to search his/her own soul to decide what is best for them.

    Now the question arises whether those who have opted out of taking the vaccines should be forced to get vaccinated in order to attend school, work on the job, etc. The answer should depend on whether those unvaccinated individuals can make others susceptible to being stricken with the virus. If so, the authorities are correct in ordering a mask mandate for these people. If not, it is simply a power play be the authorities.

    Let common sense prevail

      1. News flash. God has taken a vacation. Perhaps busy with a parallel universe, Certainly not boots on the ground with this current mess.

    1. “Common sense”, people who have natural immunity don’t need the vaccine because God’s immunity is better than a spike protein infection.
      “Common sense” is that people of no risk from COVID, those healthy individuals under 65, shouldn’t get the vaccine because side effects outweigh the benefit, the benefit being a less severe immune response to the Corona virus.
      Medical science tells us that the mRNA vaccines don’t slow the spread, but are actually driving mutations, because the “vaccine” isn’t against the virus, but against your bodies response to it!
      Your children, and definitely your grand children should never have listened to your ignorant advice.

  3. The Nuremberg Accord makes it illegal to force humans to participate in medical experiments so it comes as no surprise Reichsführer Garland would support mandating the COVID vaccine. Heil Biden! Heil Biden! Heil Biden! Sieg Heil!

  4. Planned Parenthood IS NOT just about Abortion. Planning Parenthood comes begins before thought of abortion.
    Planned Parenthood has to do with Woman’s Health Care and control of her body.
    Planned Parenthood was founded back when Little was known how to plan and space child birth. Many wives were forded to become pregnant one right after the other resulting in early death of the mother. To this day in some states it is illegal for a doctor to even tell his patients how to avoid pregnancy and Churches and Schools will not allow any kind of birth control other than abstinence. Of course Ripest and cases of insist when a woman becomes pregnant without her consent or will this never works and the attacker are often never punished or held responsible for the pregnancy they are responsible for.
    Once interpreted Republicans are great as to protecting the unborn because the mother has litt or no say in the matter and after the child is born they want to forget about them and we have very long records of the results of that.
    When the Government forces the mother to give birth in a case if a pregnancy against there will, the State becomes the absentee Father and should be held responsibility for the child Housing, clothing, healthcare food and education to age 18. They should Pay all these expenses as if they made the woman pregnant to begin with.
    The best way to stop abortion is through good healthcare and sex education in the home, schools and churches.
    You will Never find a Conservative to accept responsibility after the preventable birth.

    1. Since PP performs about 340,000 abortions annually they are certainly not effective in their stated mission. Abortion is not planning; preventing pregnancy is about planning. Planning pregnancy is desirable and I don’t know of any church that would disagree, although “artificial means” of pregnancy prevention may not be desirable for some. What is commonly called “birth control” is really about pregnancy prevention and there are numerous ways of doing that; abstinence is 100 percent effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy. Other forms come close to that mark if used. There is a lot we don’t know about Margaret Sanger, the founder of what is now know as Planned Parenthood, and the lack of knowledge leads to a lot of misinformation. She believed in eugenics and spoke about that. In simple terms; eugenics is the study of selective breeding; something that has been practiced in animals for many years to improve certain desirable traits. Having a thoroughbred that can run faster; a milk cow that produces more milk, etc. Humans are animals, Sanger believed the human race could be improved by “selective breeding”. Abortion is about killing a child before it is born. That has been rejected as criminal by most civilizations since recorded history.

      1. Himself. Really like Margaret Sanger’s writings on preventing/terminating pregnancies in “undesirables.” He liked Margaret so much, he referenced her and her work in “Mein Kampf,” and freely acknowledged her “Eugenics philosophy” as the inspiration for his beliefs on Nazi Eugenics.

        That tells me all I need to know about Margaret Sanger. One of the 20th Century’s White Supremacists, and Democrat’s admire her.

    2. Amazing end run around true historical facts. Do just a bit of research. PP was founded as a way of limiting black births by a racist woman with a lie of providing health care. Almost zero PP “clinic” provides any care or even health information outside of abortion. Common knowledge readily available.

  5. First of all it will be a fight to the death if you try to mandate a vaccine to me
    They are not telling you the complete truth about any of this shit
    Don’t try to push your agenda on me
    I don’t trust a single person in that white house in DC the government has lost their mind what happened to the land of the free

  6. Bulls##t! We have civil liberties. This F##king government just changes the laws to suit them and their F##ked up agenda. P/$$ OFF!

  7. This is nonsense! How can an experimental drug of any kind be mandated? All this man cares about is politics. The law is of no consequence to him if it interferes with his Democrat politics.

  8. That is a communist move. We should have a right to choose. What happened to we the people? That article was a contradiction. For it said everyone needs one. Then it states we have a right to choose. What we do with our bodies and what we put in them. If that’s the case then this mandate is unconstitutional!

  9. I fully agree with quote below; There is NO WAY that a government in a FREE REPUBLIC can MANDATE that citizens be vaccinated against their will, especially when, as stated, the vaccine has not been approved under current regulations

    “The vaccine has its merits, but no free person should be forced to take a vaccine that they do not want to take, especially if that vaccine is not yet fully approved under the current regulations. Children should not be forced to take a vaccine in order to receive a public education.”

    “It is a fundamental right for people to choose what they put into their bodies. Full stop. Period.”

    1. There are a number of immunizations a child must have to attend school but I believe these are all mandated by state law rather than federal. I believe all states use CDC guidelines.

  10. Although both my wife and I have been fully vaccinated it was our choice and NOT the governments. Each and every FREE citizen (not subject ) should be able to decide for themselves what is best for them and their children. This doj is little more than a political shill for Beijing Briben’s handlers!

  11. The DOJ are not scientists or doctors. They have no right to do this since the Supreme Court has ruled the vaccines are unconstitutional. They, themselves are breaking the law! I wish there were some people with balls to just go in and arrest them or better yet – kill them!

  12. This is not the DOJ’s call to make on this. They are not doctors. Nor is the vaccine approved by the FDA. Regardless of the fact that congress would not allow vaccine recipients to sue for deaths or disability from the vaccine, they could still file suit through OSHA if a mandate is created. Some states have already signed into law they cannot and will not mandate vaccines. I’m glad my state signed that law a few days ago. The Federal government is overstepping its boundaries. It’s getting too big for it’s britches!

  13. IF the federal government has so much confidence in these vaccines why have they absolved themselves from any liability resulting from the numerous reported dangerous side effects and deaths of vaccinated people?

  14. The DOJ is a bought and paid for part of the alphabet soup of givt agencies. This agency needs to be cleaned up and have people that actually know the law and not make s..t up. This idiot is an anti american that accepts money to enrich themselves. these people are a worthless waste of air. I look forward to them seeing karma and hopefully soon. I will be in a comfy chair whit a noice drink and enjoy the karma show to no end.

  15. I identify as being vaccinated. You radical leftist LIE-berals MUST accept my identification because its your mantra. Also you MUST accept another one of your mantras that It’s My Body, My Choice.

  16. So, no one wants to comment on this one? Are you all afraid ? You’ll comment about a woman speaking about all white baby boys should be aborted but not about this ? Open your eyes and don’t be scared. This is against human rights and the Nuremberg code. If people let this happen you are insane. This is more than about a vaccine. This is about your freedom that is being stripped away.

  17. We have the right to make our own decisions. Free country.
    Vaccine mandates for everyone is flat out wrong. Experimental at that!
    The DOJ is out of control. I’m glad this guy never got into the Supreme Court when Obama referred him. What a pos to give in to the liberals.


  19. Do Not comply. I will not take an experimental vaccine nor did I wear a mask before. Jan 6th was a set up to intimidate us from speaking or rising up, but we must. If we don’t our freedoms are over.

  20. What is happening in our country is nothing short of tyranny. The globalists are making their move for a world governance using a phoney virus plandemic to accomplish their goals. They will succeed if the sheeple allow it to happen. Our forefathers were only about 10-15% of the population and were successful in defeating the British. I trust there are ay least that many of us today, with the intestional fortitude to defeat these treasonous bastards and bring them to justice. We are frogs in a slow boiling pot of water, time to crawl out of the pot and stand your ground.

  21. Don’t let the Democraps pack the Supreme Court, otherwise 4 more Democrap shill Justices will rubber-stamp anything sleepy Joe Biden wants!

    Just like the Democrap DOJ opinion.

  22. I have different comments about this “required” vaccine. First before this country can or will react to remove the group of people wanting to destroy this country (so the UN can then have a one world to rule over.) we need a central figure to rally around and follow. Most people cannot do this but the mass will follow the leader to stop this crazy destruction. Have any of you that have taken the medicine noticed that your name is married to a specific dose number and recorded in a database. If you do not think so how can a “passport be issued showing you have taken the shot(s)? Now the other thing is why has the FDA not yet approved this med? I really would like to know if this drug contains different medication based upon your status…ie old, male/female, young enough to have children and perhaps other reasons. I have been around this world for over 80 years and cannot ever recall the US going to such extremes just to get a vaccine in everyone and I mean everyone. If you can let us know when and why.

  23. Just who the hell is the DOJ to declare that an edict of this stupidity is legal? I used to think courts held sway over that domain (please do not take thar phrase as being either correct or legal). Come to think 0f it I would wonder if the SCOTUS would have the spine to hear the case against these dictatorial punks. As the DOJ no longer has any mission in law but is rather a political arm of the marxist dems they want the dictator powers th spread down to them!

  24. This is not a vaccine, but a gene change they want all to have. They know it may destroy health/kill. They don’t care. They want to lower the population by 90%. VAER’s shows 12,000 people have died from the vaccine which is only 1% and 1000’s have been harmed. Only corrupt would say it is legal to force on people. They get immunity from being sued if they call it a vaccine instead of a gene change, but it doesn’t prevent/stop anything.

  25. Remember when Barack Hussein Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court as a very moderate to replace the great constitutionalist Antonin Scalia? We dodged a bullet when Mitch McConnell grew a pair and blocked Merrick Garland from becoming a Supreme Court Justice although I don’t think we got any prizes with the 3 President Trump nominated. But at least they aren’t Merrick Garland.
    On a side note, there are a lot of questions surrounding the death of Justice Scalia. For one thing, why was no autopsy ordered?

  26. Now you understand why Mitch Mcconnell wouldn’t let him be our head of the DOJ before Obama’s term ended. Tyrants don’t sit well with conservatives. God help us now.

  27. Whereas pharmaceutical companies that manufacture EUA vaccines have been protected from liability related to injuries or deaths caused by experimental agents since the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act1 was enacted in 2005, companies and all other institutions or individuals who mandate experimental vaccines on any human being are not protected from liability.
    Employees could file a civil suit against their employer should they suffer an adverse event, death, or termination from their place of employment.
    1) Congressional Research Service. The PREP Act and COVID-19: Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures. Updated Mar. 19, 2021.

  28. Merrik Garland is Biden’s boy to lie to the American people. Garland, Biden, DNC, union’s and all democrats want communism. Dump them all

  29. The muzzle does nothing to stop the PlannedDemic. Read the waiver on the package. People are getting rich off of the sale of the muzzles and the Earth is getting polluted with discarded muzzles. The masks from China are poisonous and the Paper like blue masks have a fiber in them like asbestos that gets into the lungs. The Franken Shot Kills people and has diasaterous effects on the Human Body such as Blood Clots, Changing DNA/RNA, Steralization etc . It was never tested and is not even FDA(which us a JOKE) approved. Knowing that Sorazz, Gates, and Fauci U have their hands all over the Virus, Vaccine and the Test should be enough information to tell people o Avoid it. It is all a Political Control Issue by these Commies. If one wants to take the Franken Shot, It should be a personal choice and not forced upon them from some Goverment Idiot. Closing small businesses was designed to destroy the economy and force out small business owners. It had nothing to do protecting the people. the same with the “Social Distancing” farce.

  30. Anyone who comes at me with a needle is going to get it shoved up their hassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. The government won`t allow Hydroxychloroquine and UV-Ray booths. I won`t allow untested scheit to be stuck into my arm. My pills and UV-Ray booths work.

  31. Follow the $$$. We are all being used as guinea pigs to test an experimental Frankenstein vaccine. Some who are pushing the vaccine care no more about our human lives than about the life of a fly. If the DOJ wants to get involved pushing needles in our arms and usurping the prerogative of the medical profession, there goes respect for the Law. My respect for US Law has gone down the drain in recent years with the rampant double standards for progressives vs. conservatives and arbitrary enforcement of immigration laws, but this vaccine totalitarianism takes the cake. I am sure even many lawmen have now lost respect for the Law.

  32. Mandating a vaccine for a non-existent virus using an experimental, non-FDA-approved gene therapy injection? I don’t think so.

  33. My word, this turd must have not read the US Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. Seems Democrats like to shoot from the hip and make these outlandish statements totally contrary to Americans freedoms that our founders gave us. Now Americans are told that the government can also force you to buy something, (insurance) because Obama said he could. Well I say time to just say no thank you and kiss by bowhunkas.

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