Do you approve of Biden’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Washington, D.C. — Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

With the final day approaching for U.S. troops to remain in Afghanistan, it is unclear if all the Americans in the country will be evacuated before the military departs.

Take our quick and anonymous poll to let us know where you stand on Biden’s handling of Afghanistan.

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40 thoughts on “Do you approve of Biden’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

  1. Sure hope all you dimwits that either voted for this idiot admin or assisted in their fraud to steal the election are happy with the outcome. You wouldn’t listen to us!!! 🙁

    1. Get a clue. The 2020 election is NOT the election that was stolen.
      The 2016 election WAS. Just look at the numbers. Trump LOST the popular vote by about 4 Million votes. The Electoral College was Gerrymander and many of the voters were forced into voting for Trump.
      IN 2020 the Conservatives were like a bunch of spoiled kids that had spent over 60 years Gerrymandering and putting in place voter denial, obstruction and emanation of Legal voters from voting rolls. (These ALL violate individuals rights under the 1st Amendment) denting citizens the right to peripatetic in government and there Freedom of expression at the Ballet box).
      Even with the pandemic changing the way and places people could vote, Conservatives continued to throw up road blocks, but voters managed to overcome many of these road blocks keeping them from voting in the past and during this election.
      We saw them throwing the biggest political Tantrum after Jan. 6, 2021 with a flood of additional Voter restrictions laws in history.
      How do you Steal a election? You Gerrymander the system so the majority of voters, primary the opposition, can not vote. Texas just passed the greatest violation of the 1st Amendment voting restriction laws in the country today.
      Now what was it that you were saying about Biden stealing the election?
      You just witnessed the most fair election this country has ever had.
      Their is a name for the type of government that the Conservatives have been working to accomplish. It is called Fascism much the same that the Nazi party had in Germany right down to the BIG LIE that killed millions of there own citizens.

      1. You are a brainwashed, the election was stolen, the country has gone to hell in a hand basket since the clown has been placed in office, you ask how do you steal an election-the same way the democrats stole it -trashing ballots, not counting Trump ballots, not allowing citizens into the polls to vote, rigged voting machines, why do you think the warehouse in Tennessee was blown up that housed the voting machines, just another accident, oh wait maybe it was the 29th suicide that the Clinton’s determined. I have a problem with the Republicans for not having enough balls to place the Democrats in custody and charge them with the fraud of the election. The entire Democratic party should be in prison.

        As far as the pandemic is concerned, the Democrats instigated the pandemic along with China to see how much control they could have over the people and it worked to a point, people bowed down to the mask mandate, the lock downs, schools having to go virtual, all this was scare tactics. The virus number of deaths was fabricated, nobody seemed to die of natural causes for a year, every death was the virus. Leftist was involved with the virus being created and is involved with the chip that will be coming out shortly to be inserted into humans and the only purpose for that is to control the population. Leftist created the vaccine, which will probably in a year or so be harmful to the body, have to be crazy to take that vaccine.

        You say our conservative government is Fascism, much the same as the Nazi party in Germany, like I said you are an idiot, conservative government is Freedom that we have had all our lives until this last two democratic administrations one a muslim and one an idiot and now through this administration we have become like the Fascism much the same as the Nazi party in Germany.

        You stated we witnessed the most fair election this country has ever had–The American people witnessed the most deceitful election in history. Only God can help this country now.

        1. This is the whole truth!!!
          God Bless you !!!!!!
          You are a real patriot!!!!!
          Nobody listens to all these brainwashed idiots, and all the marxists infiltrated into our country !!!!!

      2. You can not even put a simple sentence together let alone make any coherent arguments.

        Go back to the basement with Joe.

      3. Where have you been. Apparently, not on earth. Everything you mentioned is 180 degrees off of the truth. Your hatred for a strong, pro American leader and any strong, self assured person shows how much of a frightened, child you are. If you believe that what has been happening in America since Obiden has been president, then you are even more of an enemy then China, Russia and Iran. As was said by one of our great presidents, our destruction will come from within. You are one of those perpetrators. Go away. You are not an American.

      4. What an idiot!! They will prove the election was stolen and this idiot in the White House is as bogus as the one he served with as VP!!!

  2. First off, I want to say that the agreement with the Taliban and Trump was agreed for May and in May he was not the President, so why do they bring Trump into this mess? The President (who I did not vote for and he will never be my President) was Biden. And Biden wouldn’t even listen to his own people that he put in charge of things. He had no plan as you can see by the Americans he left behind and all of our tax money in arms. He is an idiot and should never have been President. And his Vice President is just as bad, she don’t take orders and has never applied anything to the Southern border. She is just as dumb as he is. Get his whole staff out of Our House!

    1. I agree with you 1000%, but this last minute withdrawal from afghanistan , was a last minute thing, and it was , a distraction on what is happening at the southern border , and a way to get past congress and the senate, to provide aid to our enemy the taliban/isis, and leave 85 billion dollars worth of US MILITARY equipment . Everything this FAKE FRAUDULENT CORRUPT w.h.d.c. administration , does is a distraction cover up of something they have also messed up. Have anyone heard of the explotes from the DOPE HEAD son ? No he is most likely up to NO GOOD. But this 1000% total mess up ( I have stronger words but I want to get this on the reply) by the NOT MY PRESIDENT china joe hiding biden. he needs for the good of the USA, resign and then charged with treason, or 25th him and pelosi, and then start impeachment against harris , Thank You for hearing my reply and GOD BLESS

    2. How do we, the people, get rid of this administration? We must do something if we want to keep our country Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Everyone is mad, including me, believe me, but, how do we do something about it?

      1. I totally agree with you!
        We live in scary times and we don’t have real leaders !
        Instead we have lots of America haters who want to “fundamentally transform America “.
        This website doesn’t seem to be on our side, it keeps on canceling my comments… censorship happens everywhere, just like in
        China ,Venezuela or Cuba

    3. Trump’s date was arbitrary and it depended on the Taliban complying with our demands and if they didn’t he would bring the wrath of hell down on them.

    4. Biden and his thugs also sentenced most of the family dogs and cats that were owned by Americans in Afghanistan and those which supported our armed forces to death by leaving them behind to be tortured and forgotten. I could never find a way to forgive that. What has happened to America these past 8 months is unconscionable. The news gets worse every day. It’s like living in a nightmare. In my 80 years, I have never seen this great country at a lower point then it is now. This is not the American in which I grew up. God help us!!!

  3. Complete and utter stupidity and incompetence in our senior leadership.. It is tragic and embarrassing. I think it is generally true that “what goes around comes around”. The payback in inevitable and I feel sad for those who are guilty.

  4. History repeats itself. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Or would you rather every great nation went down the tubes when its monetary value went south. ALL IN MOTION NOW. Quite evident when the dumorats CHEATED AND PUT A a mentally ill man in the white house. Plus a incompetent Vice President who is on a ego trip. ROAD KILL HAS MORE VALUE. The leftist, liberal, snow flake, socialist, communist, Dumorats all have the responsibility for trying to destroy the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. One only has to look around them and see our freedoms going down the tubes.

    1. Totally agree with you!!!
      My comments have been constantly “ under moderation “… and then they get cancelled…
      Is this website a conservative one or it belongs to the other side ???

  5. I just hope you know how to use a fire arm and have a whole lot of ammunition….Pretty soon in the middle of the night you will be able to wipe your arse with American paper money…A great reset is coming and Civil war…heck it is already here…….Terrorist will strike in the US again…And a War with China “IS” imminent…Then WWIII will begin….

  6. We will face many crisis’s and tests we would not have had to face, because bad people will be emboldened that the united states is no longer a force for freedom and goodness.

  7. We should have:
    o Gotten Americans OUT first
    o then our allies
    o Then Our forces
    O then deny them Baghram air base & Mil Gear

    1. Absolute truth. Great Job. Not My Fault, I VOTED for Trump!. Troops ARE AWAYS last to leave. Biden did it Arse backward.

  8. He is the worst reptesentarive America has ever had besides Obummer. Ckiwns running this country make new sick.

  9. I really think this website it keeps on censoring people’s comments…
    I made very common sense comments, decent language and they keep on cancelling all of them .

    “ Awaiting moderation “ is the sign that the comment will be censored!!

    Everyone should stop making any comments, is not worth it !!!!

  10. I really think this website it keeps on censoring people’s comments…
    I made very common sense comments, decent language and they keep on cancelling all of them .

    “ Awaiting moderation “ is the sign that the comment will be censored!!

    Everyone should stop making any comments, is not worth it !!!!

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