A Slap In The Face To America’s Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation was tough, and shaped the American Ideal…

Kingston, RI – A slap in the face to America’s Greatest Generation. Did you think things could get any worse? Historical monuments are being destroyed, riots and looting in the streets, the left has lost its collective mind. Now there’s this.

Here at the Citizen’s Press, we like to point out the liberals indoctrinate the masses at our colleges and universities. This indoctrination is a significant problem because generations of voters are brainwashed into thinking that America is terrible, conservatives are evil, and socialism is good.

Of course, the onus is on us. If we have kids in college and we pay taxes, we should demand that this change. The best way to speak is with our pocketbooks and influencing elections. Most colleges and universities have become a danger to America.

A slap in the face to America’s Greatest Generation.

So, when we read about the University of Rhode Island, we weren’t shocked. We are pretty angry and know this is a commentary of the snowflakes of today. This particular example provides a stark contrast between the Greatest Generation’s college-aged kids and these weak snowflakes we have today. What today’s snowflakes don’t realize is, BECAUSE OF the greatest generation, they have freedom of speech, safety, security, and economic prosperity.

If you don’t know who the Greatest Generation is, it was people born between 1901 and 1927. They witnessed two world wars, the Great Depression, and were responsible for the booming 1950’s and economic prosperity in the United States. They weren’t complaining about statues on campus; they were storming Normandy’s Beaches in the name of freedom and liberty. These people were tough as nails, not the melting snowflake we have today.

So what are we talking about with the University of Rhode Island? From Breitbart:

The University of Rhode Island recently announced plans to remove two murals depicting the events of World War II due to their lack of diversity. The decision was prompted after students complained that the mural was not compatible with the university’s values of inclusivity. According to the school’s Vice President of Student Affairs, “Some of our students have even shared with us they didn’t feel comfortable sitting in that space.”

Tom Ciccotta, U. of Rhode Island to Remove WWII Murals Due to Lack of Diversity, Breitbart, September 9, 2020

A slap in the face to America’s Greatest Generation.

We read this and thought this story came from a parallel universe. The people depicted in the murals are the reason these kids SHOULD feel comfortable sitting in that space. Clearly, the lefties in education have demonized the Greatest Generation, or else these kids would know how stupid they’re being.

What makes this more disturbing is who painted the murals. More from Breitbart:

The murals were painted to pay respect to the memories of those that lost their lives in World War II. The murals feature various scenes including veterans returning to the United States and a University of Rhode Island class reunion…The murals were painted by Art Sherman, who is now a 95-year-old veteran and a member of the University of Rhode Island’s class of 1950. “Oh, I loved painting that, yeah,” Sherman told a reporter this week. “I never had any formal education in painting by the way I just used to cartoon.”

Tom Ciccotta, U. of Rhode Island to Remove WWII Murals Due to Lack of Diversity, Breitbart, September 9, 2020

A World War II veteran and alumnus of the university painted these. How bad can this story get? If you have kids, no matter what the age, maybe it’s time to step in and show them how the world really works, and how they need to respect the people who sacrificed for them. We are all Americans; let’s start acting like it.

A slap in the face to America’s Greatest Generation. What do you think? Can you believe these kids? What about the university’s actions, were they shameful? Please write your comments below and on social media!

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One thought on “A Slap In The Face To America’s Greatest Generation

  1. this is what is pervasive across this country for the last 10 yrs or more, some is a carry over from obama’s change for America, still moving forward by his disciples. The media keeps rallying this scourge on, the media owns all platforms out there , and it only allows the voice, and dribble of the liberal/socialist to be heard. Where is the platform from which a reasonable, common sense, conservative( oh I just used a flag word, tic, toc) voices be heard. All people are influenced with a deluge of liberal/social rhetoric daily, using the old adage if you repeat a lie 4x the public will believe it. The scourge is running rampant, unchecked, no one is challenging then, no one is holding them accountable, the scourge know nothing will be done as they are supported by the liberal/socialist. So what are the sheepeople going to do, soon this attack on our life will be at your door, then what. Time to stop doing the polis, make all known we have had enough, and the fix could be dire

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