Watch Father Shred Critical Race Theory in Viral Video

Washington, D.C. — Watch this father shred Critical Race Theory in this now viral video.

This father held nothing back. He went straight for the root of the problem with CRT.

“You talk about Critical Race Theory, which is pretty much going to be teaching kids how to hate each other — how to dislike each other,” he said.

HATE. That is the only thing that CRT is teaching our children.

The woke lunatics on the left want to pit the entire country against each other because they believe their point of view is the only point of view.

CRT is indoctrinating our youth to think the color of their skin makes them inherently good or bad people. It’s unhealthy, it’s hateful, and it’s unequivocally racist.

Kudos to this father for putting these people in their place when it comes to the hateful indoctrination policy of CRT.

See it for yourself, and let us know what you think of CRT in the comments.

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7 thoughts on “Watch Father Shred Critical Race Theory in Viral Video

  1. I, years ago, worked with a black dude likely 15 years my senior. His handwriting was at a maybe third grade level, and he lived in the hood. Anyone who worked, or educated themselves out of said hood, he claimed bought their way out. NOT making this up.

    More recently, and more relevant, I bought a 6×12 American flag at Dollar Tree prior to the 4th. A young black man pulled behind me, as I was waiting for my rider to come out, and starts with “how do you think this country is going?” Then goes on about he found out about the Tulsa Massacre, and started in on the how he didn’t see any of his kind in the area.

    I pointed out nobody was keeping them from moving in (redlining was outlawed decades back). He then went into territory that I KNEW was going to escalate, and told him to have a stellar day, and got in the car.

    THIS is what they are creating. Said massacre was over 100 years ago.

  2. Good for him, for speaking up, telling the real truth, all crt does is divide this Republic more. This is the intent of the liberal/socialist, to keep us all mad, or fighting each other, it is the base that socialist want to keep carrying their long plan forward, just as Norman Thomas said in 1946, how socialism and or communisum would win out even if would take 50-75 years, we are at 75 years now. Norman Thomas this would happen because of liberals, and their long plan, then the people/sheeple will one day not realize how we got there, it is unfortunate that some 1horns have helped this a long, by going along to get along, allowing the middle of the political road to drift into the left borrow, and into the woods. If people want to keep this Republic the fight is on. We are the greatest country in the world, even with some warts, if not why are people dying to come here, the only problem with that they tend to try aand make this country like the one they escaped from, STOP.

  3. Thank God for people like this! He isn’t just an American—he IS America. He sees through all the piles of crap the left liberals and their M-Ass media toadies keep piling onto the heads of ignorant sheep who actually believe they’re “woke” when they aren’t even awake. I have no position from which I can make such a statement as he made, but if more like him, and the woman in Florida, keep standing up and speaking out against the oppression being poured on us from the very top of our so-called government, we just MIGHT pull out of this nasty swamp we’ve fallen into. We need to stand with people of this caliber and let them know there are a lot of folks who do have their backs. I felt like standing up and cheering watching him tear into that school board. I hope there will be follow up.

  4. Thank you for speaking up !!!! He was spot on.
    We all feel the same way. This CRT will destroy our kids and bring in so much hatred into our lives.
    There is no place in our Country for this CRT crap!!!!
    All of us parents thank him so much for speaking up !!! NO CRT in our schools!!!!

  5. Good for him!!
    About time that a credible man spoke out with fervor to refute critical race theory!!!

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