This Singer Wants to Cancel the American Flag

St. Louis, MO — Singer Macy Gray wants to cancel the American flag, saying “it no longer represents democracy and freedom.”

Market Watch actually published the “I Try” singer’s anti-American op-ed, and I really cannot understand why.

“President Biden, Madame Harris and members of Congress: the American flag has been hijacked as code for a specific belief. God bless those believers, they can have it. Like the Confederate, it is tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect,” Gray wrote. “It no longer represents democracy and freedom. It no longer represents ALL of us. It’s not fair to be forced to honor it. It’s time for a new flag.”

Gray is telling us in this ridiculous passage that if you respect the American flag, you’re a white supremacist.

This is proof that the woke cancel culture mob on the far left actually wants to destroy and rewrite the culture of the United States.

What if the stripes were OFF-white? What if there were 52 stars to include D.C. and Puerto Rico? What if the stars were the colors of ALL of us — your skin tone and mine — like the melanin scale? The blue square represents vigilance and perseverance; and the red stripes stand for valor. America is all of those things. So, what if those elements on the flag remained? What if the flag looked like this?

Get a load of this monstrosity.

New “American” flag designed by Macy Gray

Gray claims the United States needs a flag that represents “all states and all of us.”

If this flag ever flies in place of the Stars and Stripes, I might actually change my tune on kneeling during the National Anthem.

To people like Gray, skin color is all that matters. They want everything to be racist so they can destroy it. If you do not think exactly like them, you’re a racist or a white supremacist.

This epidemic is tearing our country apart, and it is time to stop placating the madness.

Shame on Market Watch for printing this drivel.

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54 thoughts on “This Singer Wants to Cancel the American Flag

  1. If you hate this country and its flag so much then just leave, no one is forcing you to stay here, you are free to leave, why stay somewhere you hate???

  2. Who the hell is Macy Gray and why does she think she can change our American Flag? Just another Cancel Culture crying Black American nut job! She can kiss our American a**es!

    1. She can kiss my white ass,people fought and died for this country of all races and sexes so lady why the hell don’t you just leave I will even buy you a one way plane ticket!!!!!

      1. I am willing to help pay for a one way ticket to North Korea if Macy Grey hates America and it’s flag so much. Maybe she will perform for Kim Young Doublechin.

  3. What say we CANCEL Macy Gray. Many damn good people–far better than Gray–died for that flag and they were black, asian, white, native american, all colors, all sexes. It is a beautiful flag that honors all colors, sexes, races of men and women, alive and dead..

  4. I don’t know who Gray thinks she is, or that anyone cares, but if she isn’t happy here in America she is welcome to go to another country that she thinks will treat her better. I am so tired of all these so called celebrities acting like spoiled brats.

  5. The flag does represent all Americans, regardless of race or skin color. People of all races and skin colors have fought and died for this flag. It represents the American people. All the American people. Where she is wrong is not the color of the flag but her disrespect for our flag and our country.

  6. Macy Gray, whoever he/she is, should stick with furthering his/her singing career. I say he/she because in this day and age, it’s hard to tell who is who, which is which, or what is what. Leave our flag alone; if you want change, change yourself for the better and stop acting like a dictator.

  7. There has alway been , since World War Two, Communists in Our government; but, the numbers and positions they occupy today poses a real danger to Our Republic—snakes in the grass, like Brennan.

  8. She obviously doesn’t respect the flag or what it represents. Perhaps she should move to another country. Hint, hint, look for another flag that you like and move to that country.

  9. Radical, Marxist Democrats are pushing against everything we hold dear, enough is enough! It’s time for us to stand up and say “No more”!

  10. Macy Gray, thank God you do not represent America or the American belief system. Not you, not your “cancel culture” group, none of you liberals. I don’t know what you think you represent but don’t try to change our Constitution or culture. If you don’t like our country get your ass out of it and go live somewhere else. Liberalism is a mental disease and it has been allowed to fester since Obama was elected President. He was elected with the help of many White Voters, the ones you want to cancel.

    No more from you idiots. Many of us have had enough of you bs. Leave, go, get the hell out because you will not change our devotion to the Founding Fathers, yea, white men who risked their families, their fortunes and their live and many gave all so so you can sound off about your hatred for our country.

    By by and don’t let the door hit your hateful ass getting out. Try Russia. Putin will set you straight.

  11. If ignorance is bliss this singer is in paradise. The STARS on our flag represent the FIFTY STATES not people.

  12. Fine. First tell her she has to go to N.Korea first. Tell them to cancel their flag. If she makes it out alive. Then hop over to China. Tell them the same thing. If she makes it out alive. We will think about it

  13. Another leftist IDIOT! Don’t care for our flag then take your hateful backside to a country whose flag you might like. You ignorant C word!

  14. I’m trying to figure out why some people dislike our country the way it is. People are given opportunities to succeed, yet even when they do, some feel the need for change. It is strange and sad to see some so dissatisfied

  15. Ugh! Her rendition of the new flag looks like a child’s drawing, or a tripper’s delusion. Well what can one expect? She’s just an adult child on acid.
    Who even asked for your washed up opinion? Sit back down and zip it, freaky!

  16. What Forces are influencing the City of St Louis MO? Is this so called singer an American citizen? Does she worship the flag of Marxism? Black Lives Matter, a group of thugs , thieves and arsonists are Full Blown Marxists led by a Patrice Cullar a Cuban trained community organizer, Rabble Rouser and Riot inciter as well as a thief of the funds collected for members of BLM. When will folks ever learn that violence, law breaking and rioting will never make things better.. In Pittsburgh, PA the Black section rioted after the assassination of Martin Luther King and burned all of their shopping area and grocery stores. The shopping areas and groceries were never rebuilt all these years later which is a hardship to get food and other necessities. I noticed something similar when I visited Detroit. miles and miles before seeing a grocery store. I imagine it is the same in Ferguson MO. Back to the woman who hates the American Flag which is a representation of America. She should move to where she will find happiness .It is a Big World and many other places to be and she should leave the USA if she hates it so much.

  17. Macy Gray looks well fed, has clothes, sings on stage, and free to say things she pleases. We tolerate idiots in America but I suggest she would prefer to live in China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela or Africa. They provide the freedom and acceptance she is looking for. Macy- move today and you won’t live with the torment that you experience in America.

  18. America has just cancelled this nobody piece of shit for being disrespectful to the only symbol in the universe that represents freedom and respect for the fights of the individual. Even if you are a socialist/communist. I can’t believe how supposed news sites give print to nobodies with nothing to say.

  19. Our Beautiful FLAG flies Free and Waves Proudly in representing our RIGHTS & FREEDOMS guaranteed us by our CONSTITUTION and many HEROES have Fought under the auspices of this FLAG, many Died to protect those Rights and Freedoms
    which we enjoy……Sadly, there are those who don’t show the proper respect for this FLAG and what it represents and there are those who Burn it or Walk on it which angers those of us who have lost LOVED ONES protecting our Country and US from those that would Destroy our Country and us, now unfortunately we have People here in the USA that would Destroy our FLAG and what it stands for…..Which brings me to the SLOGAN, “America, love it or leave it! Yes, please leave for another Country and good luck in finding one where you will enjoy the same which this Country offers…Bye, Bye and good luck!

  20. If you do not like our flag why are you living under it? Go to another country that does things the way you thing they should be done. Quit trying to change things to suit yourself. You are one of many …….

  21. this is truly a racist person she cannot see anything beyond her skin color the flag of America covers all Americans and to me, if you do not support our Flag and laws and constitution we would appreciate it if you would just leave the USA that includes all raciest Organizations both white black brown and anybody else that belives like them because anybody can become anything they want if they are willing to put in the hard work

    1. Now, that’s the problem Truckman…they don’t want to work. They want to ride.
      Her kind of black are the biggest pity party this world has ever seen.

  22. Agree with most. Who is this Gray woman? Why should we care what she thinks and says? Why don’t we just cancel her?

  23. Coming from Guam USA, I’d like to say I am proud of the American Flag. I am proud to be an American, despite these nut-brained people and their opinion.

    I am brown and my skin color being put on the flag would do nothing for me.

    Any changing of the American Flag will NOT make me anymore an American…

  24. I think she is the one to be cancelled. Our flag has carried us through good and bad times
    and should stay just as it is. If Macy Gray does not like the flag then she is more than welcome to go elsewhere and pay homage to some other countries flag.

  25. Who in the world cares what she thinks? This is America and she is welcome to her opinion but the press is so wanting to divide and spilt this country and her people that they print this opinion when there are millions and millions of others that love the flag and have died for it.

  26. Another stupid comment from one who probably has to lip sync her songs so she won’t forget them. How about leaving our country and going to one where your stupid remarks will be heard. You are one pathetic human (?) being and do not deserve one more penny from any living American. Go give a charity concert to those who care and see what kind of crowd you will have. Please leave our country!!

  27. If u don’t like our flag, and what it stands for, how about finding a better place to live, and leave us, that really love this country, u have been given to much and still complain, sounds like u would never be satisfied. Move to china,iran,russia, they probably wouldn’t take u.

  28. Why in. The heck is she still living here if our country is so racist. Why doesn’t she pack up and move where she thinks it’s better, I think she would be surprised that racism exists everywhere, even in black Africa. I’ve lived and worked in many countries in my lifetime and I’ve seen it everywhere not always against blacks but against certain ethnic groups. I was discriminated against as an American.

  29. if you hate the USofA and what is has always stood for please leave, we have plenty of people here already. “no more” has failed and its appalling and disrespectful to those who originally founded and fought too many times to preserve freedoms and civil liberties. mad as hell about many situations that never should have happened.

  30. Actually the flag has NO colors of skin on it. There are ZERO white people. They are flesh colored, brown or black. There are no actual yellow or red people. There are different shape eyes depending on your race and nationality bit we all have different shaped bodies. The America flag represents all America .

  31. As usual, these “woke” people have no clue. If you don’t like this country, leave. We are not going to get rid of the flag. The flag that so many have fought and died for. And quite frankly, that flag represents your success. You are in a country that allows you to follow your dream. So suck it up, buttercup, and start being thankful for the country you live in.

  32. Macy quit alienating those who can help you achieve success. Most everyone you meet will be white AND you need them. If you want to compete on the world stage, become world class. Only you can make yourself happy. Opportunity is here, but it will not chase you; you must seek it and put in the hard work necessary to achieve it. You can shackle yourself to a centuries old system of slavery, but you must realize the shackles are not real, just imaginary. Model yourself after those who have found real happiness; financial success and happiness are not always good partners. A flag is important because of what it represents; it is not a means to happiness. Take a stroll in the Arlington National Cemetery; ‘old glory’ waves proud because of the sacrifice of those, regardless of skin color, who lie at rest under the thousands of white stone markers. There are many here but not all; many are laid to rest on foreign soil where they gave all they had for our freedom and the freedom of many in other nations of the world.

  33. She needs to get on the next plane and never come back. Honestly, if I have a choice the flag that brought my ancestors here to seek freedom and a chance to earn their keep, or this worthless pile of human shit who hates the flag, the choice is easy, we keep the flag and we get rid of her, and anyone else with your values and beliefs. I know, my grandpa told me he would he er go back to Europe to visit. He had nothing, here he was free and could earn his keep working as a baker. This piece of worthless shit must to go back to her roots, what whenever shit hole was, and eat eat shit with the the locals, who only can wish they had her position and lifestyle in the USA. Assholes like her and other assholes in sports that
    disrespect our flag are all ignorant assholes. No longer heroes just assholes.

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