Thousands of Fraudulent Voter Registration Applications Submitted for Homeless in California

Washington, D.C. – Thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications were submitted for the homeless in California, according to a report from NBC 4.

Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro allegedly submitted over 8,000 voter registration applications. Montenegro submitted the applications for “fictitious, non-existent or deceased persons” between July and October.

Thankfully, the registrar’s office caught on to the attempted voter fraud and flagged the applications. They say no votes were cast.

The California Secretary of State’s office, Covina Police Department, FBI, and Los Angeles County Clerk’s office assisted in the initial investigation.

Despite the voter fraud attempt failing, this raises major red flags about mail-in voting.

This was a large-scale attempt to cast fraudulent votes. If someone attempted to cast only one fraudulent vote, could they get away with it?

We believe they could.

In Colorado, the Secretary of State mailed both deceased and non-citizens voter registration postcards.

Colorado only requires a state driver’s license and an address to register to vote. The state also allows non-citizens to get a driver’s license. This combination seems to create an opportunity for voter fraud.

Considering governments rarely (if ever) function without mistakes, we can only assume that some fraudulent voter registration forms could slip through.

Now, this type of voter fraud is unlikely to be successful on a large scale. However, any amount of voter fraud in U.S. elections is a grave concern.

Americans need to be able to trust the election process, and right now, they cannot.

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