Liz Cheney Ousted from GOP Leadership

Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) has been officially ousted from her leadership position in the House Republican Caucus.

Until today, Cheney served as the Chair of the House Republican Caucus, placing her at the third-highest position among House Republicans. But now, after multiple controversies where she split from the party, she has been removed from her position.

The House Republican Conference took a voice vote, which made the move official. However, a replacement has not been selected. 

The favorite to replace Cheney is Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY). Stefanik is another moderate Republican, like Cheney, but she has the backing of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise because she did not vote to impeach President Trump.

Conservative members of the caucus may not be thrilled with Stefanik stepping in, considering she has a very similar voting record to Cheney, so another candidate may emerge to fill that role.

Cheney is finding sympathetic allies among left-leaning Republicans as well as Democrats in leadership. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a statement saying, “Congresswoman Liz Cheney is a leader of great courage, patriotism and integrity.” 

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), who often crosses party lines to vote with Democrats, spoke in support of Cheney, saying, “I’m fully supportive of Liz. What happened today was sad.” 

Some have speculated that Kinzinger and Cheney may look to create their own caucus in opposition to the House Republican Caucus. This group would then be filled with more left-leaning Republicans, specifically ones who opposed President Trump.

Despite votes like today’s, people like Cheney will not go away anytime soon. She, and others like her, have major financial backing from old-guard Republicans like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Bill Kristol, and the Bush family.

The internal push and pull between conservatives and moderates in the House is still something to watch going forward.

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14 thoughts on “Liz Cheney Ousted from GOP Leadership


  2. I wonder what she/it was thinking was going to happen, her power play, or just a vindictive person, like mittens, and a few others

  3. There needs to be a class action suit
    Against Fauci,Bill Gates, Milinda Gate,
    Barrack Obama, for their involvement
    With the Covid 19 virus it needs to be them personally no corrupt D.O.J.,
    Or FBI Liars benefitting those who
    Have suffered losses, loved ones have have died, or others have suffered other
    Related illnesses. Any Honest Reputable
    Attorneys willing to take this on a contengency basis

  4. Why replace Liz with someone who Votes almost same as she has done in past??? Are you crazy or just plain stupid!!! Your only asking for same troubles!!!

  5. They have alot of nuts running our government and we don’t have to mention names because mustof the nuts are inthe Democrat Party From the President down to looney heads in Congress. We need to take these people and shove them out the back door and straight to HELL

  6. The Kremlin has more open policy then Biden, time to stand up and be heard:
    Let’s take a look at current news reporting events, Kerry “tells all” to Iran about Israel’s “secret raids” against Iran, Biden then starts payments to Palestine, giving them funds to buy rockets for Hamas from Iran using them in attacks against Israel. Biden shuts down keystone pipe line, Colonial pipe line gets shut down, guess Kerry will take solar panels down south instead of gasoline, Biden will issue electric cars for all Illegals so that they won’t be inconvenience by current events. Who is calling the shots at the white House ? Why is Biden off limits to the press questions? Why are the white house visit/ phone logs off limit to the public? Stick to your American ideals folks: Biden family caught in bed with China Spy Rings,” Hunter” is now suppose to under investigation for working those same Chinese spy rings. It’s apparent socialist Biden’s policies are not working, our country is in turmoil, beginning downslides of financial declines, in energy cost, gasoline prices are rising, employment failing , with total economic losses. Tax and spend, spend and tax is not a forward moving policy, it just points puts us in a quick trend towards bankruptcy. Time for positive change, with leadership that can solve problems, not add that false promise of fair, equal over sized government control The Biden’s have sold their American values for profit, power, and are now trying to hold that position of socialist, communist values at all cost. They are violating our Constitution, our principal, and most of all our American values. The Biden dictatorship is done, people are tired of his cluster fxxx ideas, all are now seeing the truth of their lies the worm is turning. America must return to it’s glory, time for real leadership to return. Instead of facing charges for lying on Federal forms, he writes another book!

  7. Liz not only lost her leadership position. She lost credibility with anyone other than democrat socialists who now are celebrating her departure from reality.

  8. How can the Republican Party unite when there are RINO’s infiltrated in the party?

    They are weak Republicans (or really Democrats in sheep’s clothing) who fail to understand that the Democrats will do anything to stay in power and control to screw the American people and the way of life we live.

  9. The Republican party needs to decide whether it will be the conservative standard bearer for our country or if it will become Democrat lite. If the decision is to go the conservative route then the party needs a group of backstabbers (RINOs) like another hole in the head. Even a small group can cause a great deal of dissention and this is especially true if one of the member if the smaller group holds a position of power in the party. The RINOs must be purged – by the voters – so the party can present a united front in dealing with the Democrats.

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