Superbug Coming Straight Outta China

Let’s hope this is overblown and never makes it to the United States…
UPDATE: It’s here
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Wuhan Province, China – So, some international news that may soon affect us here in the United States. UPDATE: the first reported case in the U.S. was in Washington State.

There is a “Superbug” that originated in the Wuhan Province in China that emerged a few weeks ago. This one is allegedly nasty, and of course, the Chinese government denied it could spread human to human.

Well, they were wrong. Now, this virus is not only spreading all through Southeast Asia but worldwide. It is also the start of the international tourism season in that part of the world.

Now, we don’t like it when the press fans the flames of crazy weather that never materializes or health scares that are just that – scares. However, this one definitely caught our eye.

You can layout your own conspiracy theories on this. Like did something escape a biological warfare lab in China? Is this terrorism? Or is this all overblown Mularkey?

Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Apparently, the Center for Disease Control is concerned. So we’ll monitor this one. This virus strain is linked to SARS and a few other nasty bugs that didn’t kill all of us off. Here’s some of the devastation from some of the viruses in the same family as this new Superbug:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization reported that a novel (new) coronavirus was identified by Chinese authorities. The virus is associated with an outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.SARS-CoV…Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was first recognized in China in November 2002. It caused a worldwide outbreak in 2002-2003 with 8,098 probable cases including 774 deaths. Since 2004, there have not been any known cases of SARS-CoV infection reported anywhere in the world.MERS-CoV…Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. It has since caused illness in people from dozens of other countries. All cases to date have been linked to countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula. CDC continues to closely monitor MERS globally and work with partners to better understand the risks of this virus, including the source, how it spreads, and how infections might be prevented.

Courtesy of the CDC Website

Click here for another comprehensive article on the topic, with some “how-tos.”

Stay tuned, and stay healthy!

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