Senator Chuck Schumer Calls to Remove Trump from Office with 25th Amendment

Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, Senator Chuck Schumer called to remove President Donald Trump from office with the 25th Amendment.

Schumer called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove Trump from office.

Schumer made his statement in response to protesters storming the Capitol building yesterday. Congress was in the process of certifying the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden. The House and Senate reconvened after the Capitol building was cleared to finish confirming the votes.

Schumer said, “The quickest and most effective way – it can be done today – to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment. If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president.”

Invoking the 25th Amendment would require a majority of Trump’s cabinet, as well as Pence, to declare Trump unfit to fulfill his duties as the president.

Schumer went further, claiming that if Pence did not act, Congress should take up impeachment.

With only two weeks left before Trump leaves office, either of these steps would subvert our political process.

Sure, it makes a great sound bite calling to invoke the 25th Amendment. However, if protesters stormed the Capitol building yesterday, imagine the outrage if Trump was removed from office two weeks early by force.

There would be more needless violence.

Anything beyond a peaceful transition from the Trump administration to a Biden administration is a mistake.

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3 thoughts on “Senator Chuck Schumer Calls to Remove Trump from Office with 25th Amendment

  1. It sounds as though Schumer isn’t happy with simply stealing the election from Trump, so his thugs attacked the Congress wearing red caps to convince people they were Trump folks. The ploy worked like a charm as the discussions taking place immediately stopped and the presidency was awarded to Biden-not earned, awarded! But that isn’t even enough because he now demands the 25th amendment be invoked to get Trump out of office NOW. Apparently Schumer won’t settle for less than a civil war-nothing happened yesterday which caused me to believe that Biden won the election, other than a bunch of weak kneed weenies buckled and awarded the presidency to the voter fraud thief of all time. If Trump is either removed from office using the 25th amendment or impeachment I believe Schumer will get what he’s asking for Civil War II. It’s going to get ugly.

  2. Chuck Schumer is the leader of the Democrat Senators and he does not even know the facts of law: the 25th Amendment is specific and limited to removing a seriously physically disabled U.S. President.

    It is time for intelligent Americans who do understand U.S.A. Laws to unify to develop ways to protect American citizens & authentic American politicians from the actions of the vicious misguided gang of stupid democrats that have just taken over the U.S.A.

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