Restrictive Gun Control Bills Face a Fight in the Senate

Washington, D.C. — Gun control groups are going all out to pressure the United States Senate into passing restrictive and Unconstitutional gun control laws.

The House recently passed two new gun control bills — H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446.

H.R. makes it a criminal penalty to make a private sale of a firearm. H.R. 1446 extends the time that the FBI has to declare a person ineligible to purchase a firearm.

Obviously, both threaten the freedoms of law-abiding gun owners in an effort to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

Senator Chuck Schumer promised to bring these gun control bills to the Senate floor, but they will still require 60 votes to break a legislative filibuster. That means 10 Republicans must cross the aisle to vote to close the debate.

If 10 GOP members join the Democrats to stop a filibuster, it is highly likely that both of these anti-liberty bills become law.

Anti-gun groups are already planning to testify and pressure Republicans in bucking the pro-gun party platform. They plan to utilize personal testimony from victims of violence involving guns.

Pro-gun activists will have to work hard to force the GOP to hold the line and stop more of our freedoms from being eliminated.

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17 thoughts on “Restrictive Gun Control Bills Face a Fight in the Senate

  1. Restricting gunsis just the beginning for the Democrats. Freedom of speech will be next. Then freedom of thought will follow. The constitution will be under fire and China will move in. Biden will do what he is told and will warm many more millions.

    1. I know the DEMORATS as soon as they get in power, come after our guns. What are they afraid of? Law abiding citizens who are armed? This is the DEMORATS and their agenda always trying to find a way to step on our 2nd Amendment rights and freedoms. They want people to be unarmed so we can’t have a chance to fight back while they pasd their radical agendas. This is why they don’t want guns. As a law abiding citizen, I have a right to own a gun, and if Pelosi, who is deranged and delusional doesn’t like it, well she can just KISS OFF.

  2. I will never vote for any politician that wants to take away my God given rights .I will watch how this congress preforms and campaign against any who betray their oath likewise I will strongly support any one who stands for our constitution .Please hold their feet to the fire by contacting your congress people.

  3. If I was there I’d ask two questions of the Senators to see what kind of answer I’d get!
    #1 are you willing to give up your armed security?
    #2 are do you propose to disarm the criminals?

  4. If I was there I’d ask two questions of the Senators to see what kind of answer I’d get!
    #1 are you willing to give up your armed security?
    #2 how do you propose to disarm the criminals?

  5. Most of these asinine arms control schemes cannot be implemented without first creating a registry. That would violate the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986. It is illegal for the federal or state government to keep any sort of database or registry that ties firearms directly to their owner.

    Consequently, smart arms owners will ignore most democrat schemes and if harassed, simply hire a good lawyer and contest every minute point. Most know, these laws will infuriate millions of arms owners and kindle class action lawsuits in quantities never before experienced by the U.S. judiciary.

  6. Only a tyrannical government passes laws which punish law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals!

  7. They will have of chance of passing this atrocity in the Senate, but say a miracle happens and they do, they start a civil war they can’t possible win.

  8. Do these Congress Men/Women even read or follow what their people back home want. Seems to me they just pass what Pelosi wants passed. Anarchy is in this Congress. One party with to much power, how many will be reversed when challenged to the Supreme court, even his Action that by pass Congress like a Communist would due to take this country in to a war no body really wants.

  9. While the words of the Constitution are considered to be unambiguous as written here is what can be done with those who would try to dazzle us. Infringe as used in the second simply means “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on” here is what they can do to the same word…”To give the name of syllogism to inferences which infringe the general rules against undistributed middle, illicit process, two negative premises, non-sequitur from negative to affirmative, and the introduction of what is not in the premises into the conclusion, and which consequently infringe the special rules against affirmative conclusions in the second figure, and against universal conclusions in the third figure, is to open the door to fallacy, and at best to confuse the syllogism with other kinds of inference, without enabling us to understand any one kind.

    Now we can see what adding the 14th amendment to those already written means.
    “In cases in the 19th Century, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment does not bar state regulation of firearms. For example, in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 553 (1875), the Court stated that the Second Amendment “has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government,” and in Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252, 265 (1886), the Court reiterated that the Second Amendment “is a limitation only upon the power of Congress and the National government, and not upon that of the States.” Although most of the rights in the Bill of Rights have been selectively incorporated (PDF) into the rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment and thus cannot be impaired by state governments, the Second Amendment has never been so incorporated. [UPDATE: In McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), the Supreme Court addressed this issue, ruling that Second Amendment rights are applicable to states through the Fourteenth Amendment.] in McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment right recognized in Heller applies not only to the Federal Government, but also to states and municipalities.]

    1. Very well stated. However, I doubt that any democrat, socialist, liberal or other anti-American understood much of it. Logical mathematics and philosophy are anathema to leftist political debate. In McDonald vs. Chicago, they might understand a clear statement from the Supreme Court like, “You can’t do dat.”

  10. My family came from a family of “hunters”. Deer, rabbit, pheasant, quail “hunters”. We always had guns in the house & ammo. I once shot off a 12 gauge shotgun & as a female, it was NOT my cup of tea & “it” hurt my shoulder. Even with a “pellet gun, I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.Thank God that “hubby” could get rid of his “hunting guns” , to a fellow friend gun collector, BEFORE I needed to register all of “them” with the State! INSTEAD of “this” B.S. with LEGAL gun owners, “WHY” are the Dems NOT going after the UNREGISTERED STREET GUNS!!! “They” used to come to N.J. via Virginia. I suppose CHICAGO hasl guns registered, which is “WHY”so many are being killed there. GIVE ME A BREAK!

  11. get guns away from criminals first, then worry about turning good citizens into criminals.

    any chance you can stop the selling of drugs, kids for sex pleasure, and stopping so many people from invading our country. take care of those things and passing concealed carry state to state so truck drivers for example protect themselves from violent people who you welcome into our country.

    you want gun control move to Chicago or Mexico. There they have it all figured out that only criminals have all the guns and only criminals get elected as politicians.

    Second Amendment is needed more today than ever before thanks to the downward spiral of those who seek office. Try enforcing the laws already in existence, I think the only things you idiots know how to do is cause good citizens to ignore laws that you don’t even enforce.

  12. H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, have NOTHING to do with “street sales”. These bills only mess with legal owners. What stops the institution from issuing a qual card t each of us whom have passed a BI prior to previous weapons purchases. Then sales between qualified parties can be conducted on the spot, pretty simple idea. Legislators are either TOOOOO dumb or TOOOO lazy to enact laws which only effect the criminal side of gun usage. Right now I place most legislators on the same ladder wrung as street criminals and they deserve as much respect.

  13. I know the DEMORATS as soon as they get in power, come after our guns. What are they afraid of? Law abiding citizens who are armed? This is the DEMORATS and their agenda always trying to find a way to step on our 2nd Amendment rights and freedoms. They want people to be unarmed so we can’t have a chance to fight back while they pasd their radical agendas. This is why they don’t want guns. As a law abiding citizen, I have a right to own a gun, and if Pelosi, who is deranged and delusional doesn’t like it, well she can just KISS OFF.

  14. People in large Government are the Problem!
    Check out what Hitler Did in the beginning and how it turned out if you
    Want to live the rest of your life as with your free will.
    With our new Goverment system in place Many will suffer much.
    No God, higher taxs, no way to protect your selves, no place to live in peace, not enough
    Food or good water, and be treated like sheep and cattle.
    This my friends is what you are facing in our end times.

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