President Trump Seeks An Education Curriculum That Unites America

President Trump is fighting the left and winning!

Washington, DC – President Trump seeks an education curriculum that unites America. We need this, as protesters and the crazy liberal left try to rewrite history and brainwash our kids. Of course, liberal heads exploded when President Trump made the announcement.

We have written extensively about the liberal indoctrination in schools and universities. Check out this article on What they’re teaching our kids; it has a bunch of links in it.

President Trump is well aware of the liberal indoctrination. He knows if we are going to Make America Great Again, reforming the schools is a YUGE part. President Trump also takes daily pride in making liberals heads explode. He hit the nail on the “head” here.

President Trump seeks an education curriculum that unites America.

From Forbes:

President Trump on Thursday announced several measures aimed at promoting what he called “patriotic education” while blasting progressive efforts at re-examining American history through a race-critical lens as “toxic propaganda.”

Andrew Solender, Trump Launches ‘Patriotic Education’ Commission, Calls 1619 Project ‘Ideological Poison’, Forbes, September 17, 2020

Heck yeah! No more teaching kids to hate America from our schools! Plus, we know the liberals are trying to rewrite history so that it can repeat itself. The scary part is if you ask most students about where our civil liberties come from, they can’t identify the Founders and our Constitution. The Bill of Rights was written by “rich white slave owners,” so it doesn’t count. Tough parenting would be to throw these kids into a Gulag in Soviet Russia – but we digress.

More from President Trump:

Trump also called out what he said is “left-wing indoctrination” in schools and curriculum, which he claimed “views every issue through the lens of race” in an effort to impose “tyranny” and “a new segregation.”

Andrew Solender, Trump Launches ‘Patriotic Education’ Commission, Calls 1619 Project ‘Ideological Poison’, Forbes, September 17, 2020

Yep, we agree, and there is plenty of evidence. Time to clean up the schools and teach the kids about what it means to be an American. Plus, they need to understand how good freedom is; no country on Earth can match what we have in America.

Of course, liberal heads exploded. More from Forbes:

“An important note that as President Trump gears up to attack the 1619 project, [author Nikole Hannah-Jones] is a national treasure who put in context how America came to be, the black enslaved people it exploited and the way forward,” tweeted PBS News White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor. “We should all be grateful for the 1619 Project.”

Andrew Solender, Trump Launches ‘Patriotic Education’ Commission, Calls 1619 Project ‘Ideological Poison’, Forbes, September 17, 2020

So, are they rewriting history with the 1619 project? Who were the people that captured slaves in Africa? It was Africans, not Americans. We aren’t discounting the contribution of Americans with darker skin colors. However, when are we going to look beyond that and realize we are all Americans. This victim mentality that is being taught has to stop.

The Twitterverse, as it usually does, compared Trump to Hitler. Take a look at this screenshot (HERE). Typical lefty rhetoric, they don’t like what you say or do and call you a racist and Nazi. This silliness is why Trump may win re-election; Americans are sick of hearing this nonsense.

President Trump seeks an education curriculum that unites America. What do you think? Is this some of the most important policy changes in the Trump Presidency? What do you think it means to be an American? Please write your comments below and on social media.

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One thought on “President Trump Seeks An Education Curriculum That Unites America

  1. If I had children, I would either home-school them or send to private School not infiltrated by Marxism. Marxism has infiltrated our public schools, press, academia, Hollywood, entertainment industry, sports, just about all institutions. We are surrounded by this propaganda everyday. Have to be vigilant and know what Marxism is and the ‘buss words” that they use to indoctrinate people. such as ‘racism, white privilege, victim/oppressors, equalit’y of outcome, not opportunity’ are buzzwords that feed this manipulative ideology. , It is reverse racism against whites all part of a global plan to take down white European civilization. , the WEST. and replace with Communism. Socialism is 5 years frorm Communism. Under Communism , the people lose all humane rights. If our country is so racist, why do so many minorities from third world countries are begging to come to our country, it is because they know they will have a better life and standard of living, that is not racism. If you want to see a racist country go to Africa where different ethnic tribes kill each other.

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