Polis Prioritizes “Frontline Journalists” and Government Officials in Vaccine Schedule

Denver, CO — Today, Governor Jared Polis announced changes to the vaccine distribution schedule, moving “frontline journalists” up the list.

The changes were announced in a press conference where Polis stated that the State is moving into “Phase 1B” of the vaccine distribution schedule. Among those included in the phase are: grocery store workers, postal workers, teachers, “essential” state government employees, and “frontline journalists.”

The shift moves these groups ahead of people aged 60 to 69 and those 64 and under with underlying health conditions. Those groups are included in Phase 2, which is scheduled to roll out in the spring.

Despite the high-risk status of those with underlying health conditions, Governor Polis has decided to prioritize state government workers and members of the media. Fatality rates from COVID-19 are significantly higher for people with health conditions such as lung and heart disease.

At the press conference, Polis noted that the majority of the changes come from CDC guidelines but not included in those are the journalists. To that, he said, “We’ve also added frontline journalists a few hundred people that are out sharing knowledge with people in the field and risking potential exposure.”

That was about as much detail the Governor was willing to give on the change.

Steve Staeger from 9News asked the Governor about moving journalists up the list, to which the Governor replied, “[the priority change] is to field journalists, but again, there will be conversations with the news organizations…”

The Phase 1B schedule previously just included hospice care workers, in-home health providers, and first responders. Now the revised schedule shows a big expansion and a significant change in priorities.

It is understandable to see teachers and grocery store employees moved up, but it is curious to see government workers and journalists moved up from the General Public distribution (Phase 3) to being placed ahead of people who are most affected by the virus.

Naturally, mainstream media outlets are glossing over the shift.
The Denver Post’s article recapping the press conference only makes one mention of the change for journalists and government workers, and it is in the same sentence.

He did say that the journalists who are working from home are not included in the priority change.

Phase 1B is scheduled to roll out over the next two months, as most Colorado counties have completed or are near completion of Phase 1A, which covered medical workers and the elderly. Phase 2, which covers high-risk people under the age of 65, is scheduled to roll out in February.

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5 thoughts on “Polis Prioritizes “Frontline Journalists” and Government Officials in Vaccine Schedule

  1. Sounds good to me. We will see how many of them it kills. Really big of them to take the risk to protect the general public. LOL

  2. These same “journalists” have been sucking up to Polis for a long time. On one hand I am happy they can be the guinea pigs for a vaccine that the disease has a +99% recovery rate in those under 70. On the other hand it is despicable that Polis would reward his buddies while claiming he “cares” about the Colorado citizens who are more vulnerable. The only thing Polis cares about is himself as he imagines being in the White House some day.

  3. “Front-line Govt workers”? All of the offices are closed and IF the workers are still drawing a paycheck. they’re getting it at home. I can’t get my vehicle titled because DMV is closed and the paperwork involved needs a PERON to ok it. But go ahead and give them my shot, I don’t want it, thank you very much

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