Is There Legal Precedent for Forced Vaccinations?

Is it legal for the government poke you with a needle?

San Diego, CA – Is there legal precedent for forced vaccinations? We really want to answer this question with a resounding “NO!” However, we just can’t do that. Yes, there may be legal precedent for forced vaccinations, and the government may be coming to your door soon.

We recently wrote a companion article to this one. The title of that article was, “Are Forced Vaccinations a Myth?“. In that article, we discussed the snake oil some well-credentialed academics were selling. Our conclusion was this is precisely what the government will be pushing soon if we don’t fight back.

In that “Forced Vaccinations” article, we mentioned an article about the legal precedent. This is the article that covers that. Combined, these two articles should raise a few hairs – if not, consider yourself part of the herd, and we’re not talking about “Herd Immunity” here.

Is there legal precedent for forced vaccinations?

Today’s scary article comes out of San Diego, California. The local news station interviewed a local law professor, asking him if states could force vaccinations on citizens. His answer was yes…well, more like a legalese nuanced, yes – but still a yes.

From KGTV in San Diego:

“States can compel vaccinations in more or less intrusive ways,” he said in an interview. “They can limit access to schools or services or jobs if people don’t get vaccinated. They could force them to pay a fire or even lock them up in jail.”…Fox noted authorities in the United States have never attempted to jail people for refusing to vaccinate, but other countries like France have adopted the aggressive tactic.

Derek Staahl, States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says, ABC10 News San Diego, August 7, 2020

Vaccinate or be fined or end up in jail. This is government force at its finest. If you don’t think this will happen in America, think again. If Democrats take control of all government levels, expect to see the European Socialism spread throughout the country pretty quickly.

Plus, there IS legal precedent, and it’s been around for more than 100 years. More from KGTV:

The legal precedent dates back to 1905. In a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the court ruled Massachusetts had the authority to fine people who refused vaccinations for smallpox…That case formed the legal basis for vaccine requirements at schools, and has been upheld in subsequent decisions… “Courts have found that when medical necessity requires it, the public health outweighs the individual rights and liberties at stake,” Fox said.

Derek Staahl, States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says, ABC10 News San Diego, August 7, 2020

Were not sure if the current Supreme Court Justices would stick to this stare decisis, but why risk it? Fox thinks there might be a push for a Federal Mandate, but as he points out, the Supreme Court already knocked this down in their Obamacare decision.

Opponents of a federal mandate would cite the Supreme Court’s 2012 decision on the Affordable Care Act, Fox said. In that case, the justices ruled that Congress could not use its powers to regulate interstate commerce to require people to buy health insurance, even though the ACA’s individual mandate was ultimately upheld on separate grounds.

Derek Staahl, States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says, ABC10 News San Diego, August 7, 2020

However, we need to point out that a State decision still has some legal muster. If you don’t think elections matter at all levels – think again! Stay classy, San Diego!

Is there legal precedent for forced vaccinations? What do you think? Will your State force you to be vaccinated? How important is this election on all levels? Please write your comments below or on social media!

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