Are Forced Vaccinations a Myth?

The government will force that needle into your arm…

Cleveland, OH – Are forced vaccinations a myth? The short answer is no; there is legal precedent. This is the obvious logical progression from social distancing and mask mandates. With a vaccine for COVID-19 on the horizon, there will be a push to mandate vaccinations.

Here was an editorial in USA Today that caught our eye by some “academics.” This was after we read an article from a San Diego, California news station that interviewed a law professor on whether the government’s forced vaccinations are legal. Before discussing that topic in another upcoming article, we believe this is a dystopian novel level of scary.

Let’s tackle the editorial by those academics published on the USA Today website. The academics hail from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. The title of the editorial is a hook unto itself: Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.  These academics need a lesson in what is patriotic and what is not.

However, the subtitle of the editorial pretty much sums up their argument: Make vaccines free, don’t allow religious or personal objections, and punish those who won’t be vaccinated. They are threatening the lives of others. Even if you’re not a Constitutional Scholar, this should strike a chord with you. No religious exemptions, punish (use force) against those who refuse. Are we living in Stalin’s Russia or the united states?

Are forced vaccinations a myth?

We haven’t even gotten to the issue of making vaccines free (socialism). But we’ll get to that later if there is column space.

The authors of the editorial are Dr. Michael Lederman, a Professor of Medicine at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Maxwell J. Mehlman, a Professor of Law at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law. Dr. Stuart Youngner, a Professor of Bioethics at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. These clowns have enough credentials for people to buy into the snake oil they’re selling.

So here’s a gem from paragraph two of the editorial:

And while the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty.

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner, Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic, USA Today, August 6, 2020

Let’s break down their argument. Because they believe there is no alternative, therefore getting vaccinated is our “patriotic duty.” Say what? Our patriotic duty is to resist being forced into anything by the government. This is what our country was founded on. See what happens when the liberals try to re-write history?

More from the editorial:

So here’s what America must do when a vaccine is ready: ► Make vaccinations free and easily accessible. ► Exempt only those with medical contraindications to immunization. It is likely that more than one vaccine platform will prove effective (as was the case for polio vaccines) and, as a result, medical conditions that prohibit all COVID-19 vaccines will be rare.► Do not honor religious objections. The major religions do not officially oppose vaccinations.► Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner, Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic, USA Today, August 6, 2020

Are forced vaccinations a myth?

Yeah, everything should be free – everyone wants to be Bernie Sanders now. Very few exemptions, don’t honor religious exemptions (ignore the 1st Amendment), and our favorite: “Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.” A social contract outweighs any rights that all Americans should have. These academics are nuts. But it gets worse.

How about we keep a government database of everyone who gets or doesn’t get the vaccination. Better yet, why don’t we make people carry their papers…err…immunization cards with them.

How then should immunizations be documented? A registry of immunization will be needed with names entered after immunization is completed. Adequate immunization may require more than a single vaccination, and the durability of protection by different vaccines may vary and may not be life-long, requiring periodic booster immunizations. Thus, immunized persons will need to receive expiration date-stamped certification cards, which should be issued to all who are immunized in the country, whether here legally or not.

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner, Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic, USA Today, August 6, 2020

Hmmm…We are trying to think of a time when people had to carry their papers with them. Hmmm…these comparisons get you banned from Google search engines. But you get the picture.

This is downright scary. However, expect this to become a reality if people remain sheeple in this country. The socialists in Europe and China will make this happen. Can we stop the Domino Effect?  

Are forced vaccinations a myth? What do you think? Will forced vaccinations be the new normal? Is this the beginning of the end of freedom in the United States? Or has freedom already left the building? Write your comments below and on social media.

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