Trump Themed Wedding Divided Family and Friends

Politics is dividing families…
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

In case you missed it, a Trump-themed wedding in Michigan divided family and friends.

We’ve heard about things like this happening where politics “trumps” family, and we find it ridiculous. Apparently, Anti-Trump and Republican sentiment have gotten out of hand. Blood IS thicker than politics in our book.

So let’s get to the facts of this story. A Marine and his bride-to-be love the President and wanted to throw a MAGA themed wedding. It’s their special day, this day should be all about them, and they should be able to create whatever theme they want. Some highlights:

“’It looked like America threw up all over my wedding and I’m not sorry,” said Audra, who wore a dress with “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” emblazoned on her wedding dress.'”

-Military News

There is a video posted in the article link if you want to see what her dress looked like.

Of course, not everyone was pleased. The Maid of Honor refused to wear a red MAGA hat like the rest of the bridesmaids. She still stood up for the bride-to-be because obviously, their friendship transcends politics. So a slight wedding sin, making it about her, but not as bad as the groom’s father.

The groom’s father refused to attend the wedding. Apparently using the party line of saying the President was a ‘racist.’ C’mon, really?! We don’t need to weigh in here, and we’ve talked about this issue on our Colorado Citizens Press website if you want to read about it (HERE), (HERE), and (HERE).

We took a quick [non-scientific] poll here at America’s Citizen Press, and no one could name one friend or family member who they would invite to a wedding that would miss it because of politics. Definitely no immediate family! Dad needed to put on his big-boy pants here – apparently, they were at his fair trade, environmentally friendly cleaners, that he could have driven to in his 1983 suburban (8 miles to the gallon!)…

We may be conservatives, but we have a lot of liberal friends – even ones that are anti-Trump crazy. We still find ways to get along (they don’t read this, so we’ll tell you that they are shifting our way on many conservative values like small government and liberty).

Do you have friends or family that would skip your wedding because of politics? Please answer in the comments below or on social media!

Please share!

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