CNN Settles Lawsuit With Conservative Teenager They Defamed

Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Covington, KY – Do you remember that teenager from Kentucky that was wearing a MAGA hat that stood up to a liberal protester bully in Washington, D.C.? You know, the one that all of the liberal media outlets defamed as a Trump supporter harassing a Native American?

You remember the story, right? When liberal America went after this teenager and his family for being political and assumed (wrongly) that he must be a racist since he supported President Trump. Yeah, well, when the videos came out that the liberal protester was actually the bully and aggressor, pretty much all of the mainstream media had to eat crow…

Well, now they’re settling and shelling out the cash for damages. This is a big deal because news outlets NEVER want to settle. They hide behind their interpretation of the 1st Amendment. Of course, they’ll never admit any wrongdoing, and that’s why we’re seeing a private settlement between Nick Sandmann (the above-mentioned teenager) and CNN (is this an acronym for Clinton News Network? We report, you decide…).

Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

There is more to come because NBC Universal and the Washington Post decided to go to court. If they lose to Sandmann, this will open up a flood of lawsuits against these “news” outlets. Considering the financial instability of the industry, is this the death knell for these organizations? Quite possibly.

We will be following these developments at American’s Citizens Press.

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One thought on “CNN Settles Lawsuit With Conservative Teenager They Defamed

  1. I hope all of the miss information , lying, pontificating outlet on tv, print, and other media outlet get slapped, and have to pay up. This could be a temporary awaking to pause in their unfettered rampage of abuse, we can only hope a corrections will happen. Now if we could only get a media platform that tells the truth, let people decide for them selves, and or platform for the conservative, constitutional aligned people’s voice to be heard with out being edited would be better

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