Child Migrant Camps Have Increased Under Biden

Washington, D.C. — Among Joe Biden’s many campaign promises was the promise to end the practice of child immigration detention facilities. This can already be added to the ever-growing list of his broken promises.

Although these facilities were created under the authority of the Obama administration, Democrat leadership and the mainstream media made it one of their top criticisms of President Trump, who ran the program in a similar manner.

President Trump started to shift away from this policy in the latter days of his term, but since Biden took office, the facilities have once again started to grow in population. According to a Los Angeles Times report, the number of children in these border facilities is up as much as 150% over the last administration.

Much of the mainstream media viscously attacked President Trump for “putting kids in cages,” but many of these same reporters have been silent in response to President Biden’s immigration policy.

The controversy over this policy hit peaks towards the end of the 2020 Presidential election cycle, when internal discussions about the policy under former Trump Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, became public.

The Biden administration has made zero indication of any plans to change course and might be doubling down on the policy. The media attending White House press conferences has yet to put any real pressure on Biden to answer for the hypocrisy.

Some members of the more radical side of the Democrat party are starting to show discontent with Biden’s lack of “progressive” reforms in his first 100 days. This could potentially broaden the cracks within the party between the establishment Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and the radical leftist Democrats like Bernie Sanders or Ilhan Omar.

Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even spoke out against Biden’s detention center policies, saying, “This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay – no matter the administration or party.”

Whether or not the inner-party struggles will make any real impact on the Biden administration remains to be seen, but the growing disconnect could potentially result in party infighting, splitting Democrats on key issues.

As child detention centers were one of the primary focuses of the Democrat campaign cycle, this issue will be a good test of things to come. How hard Democrats push Biden – and how he responds – will be telling for how the better part of the next four years will play out.

Biden’s apparent disregard for his promise to end these detention centers already goes to show the insincerity he has for the things he said on the campaign trail.

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8 thoughts on “Child Migrant Camps Have Increased Under Biden

  1. These “CRAZY”Dems have “us” hogtied now. The Rep. “minority” MUST hang in there “TOGETHER” to “attempt” to stop these MANIACS! “WE” hear NOTHING from “Joey B.” because he’s a brain dead moron always “watched over” by “Dr.” Jill or Kamala. LOOK @ HIM! NOBODY’S HOME! Since he’s been in “office”, “we” get “I’ll circle back on that to you”, “You know, the guy who runs the place next door”?= HIS Sec. of Defense & he just said his name 2 minutes ago! He bombs Syria & his Pentagon isn’t even sure of “what” they hit! The Mex. Border is OPEN to EVERY drug smuggler, human traffickers, gang members, & Covid-19 + immigrants. The PRESS was FORBIDDEN to go to the Border to film “what’s happening”!So much for the FREE PRESS! THIS White House IS A REAL MESS! We have PRAVDA!

  2. Perhaps all these liberals who don’t like borders could make their own abodes available, complete with food and clothing, for all the (don’t call them illegal) immigrants to live. Maybe just the MS 13 gangs and criminals among the immigrants would suffice for the liberals to demonstrate their compassion.

  3. Sir is Kenite Biden’s family going to bring home immigrate child??? Sir is Kenite Biden above immigrate people??/

  4. “In one of his very first acts as president, Joe Biden appointed someone called Nicholas McQuaid to run the DOJ’s Criminal Division, the all-important Criminal Division. Turns out that’s the same Criminal Division that’s currently investigating Biden’s son, Hunter. So, who is this Nicholas McQuaid exactly? Well, this show can tell you that he is a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s new criminal defense attorney, a man called Christopher Clark,” Carlson said last week. “Hunter Biden apparently hired Clark in December to help him with a federal investigation into his business dealings, the criminal investigation that the DOJ is conducting. ”
    “Both McQuaid and Clark were law partners together at Latham and Watkins, they worked on the same cases right up until McQuaid took the job at the Department of Justice,” Carlson continued. “On January 21st of this year, the same day, Nicholas McQuaid was featured in a Justice Department press release, Latham and Watkins filed a motion in court to withdraw McQuade as an attorney he was working on with Christopher Clark. So that means Joe Biden put as the head of the Criminal Division, the partner of the guy his son had hired to defend him against the Criminal Division.”

  5. Yeah, Beijing Briben is doing a bang up job with this mess he created. These “camps” are really, really “humane”???

  6. Progs falsely claim moral high ground by abusing Scripture re “the stranger,” as seen in the above photo. They haven’t analyzed the Hebrew scriptures like Lev 19:34 that legislate re the “gēr” (the Hebrew word often poorly translated as “stranger”). This is not some illegal alien invader, for whom Hebrew instead uses the word “nokrî.”

    No, the true gēr is a non-indigenous resident proselyte converted to Yahweh-worship and submitted to all the laws of Israel, even religious requirements like not being allowed to worship any other god, etc.

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