Biden Used a Cheat Sheet to Call on Friendly Reporters

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden used a cheat sheet to call on friendly reporters during his first “press conference” after taking office 65 days ago.

The cheat sheet featured all of the press members in the audience. The reporters Biden called on were numbered one through 10 and circled in black marker.

On top of the cheat sheet Biden used to steer clear of reporters that might ask him hard questions, he came prepared with a slew of prepared responses.

White House correspondent for Breitbart News, Charlie Spiering, tweeted the photo showing Biden referring to the cheat sheet.

Pool photographer Oliver Contreras took the photos from the East Room of the White House. You can view more photos here.

If President Donald Trump used a cheat sheet like this during a press conference, the liberal media would skewer him.

This cheat sheet would be all over the front pages of CNN and MSNBC. Talk show hosts would crack jokes about it. Reporters would question his cognitive health. Saturday Night Live would write a sketch.

Instead, the liberal media is completely silent.

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3 thoughts on “Biden Used a Cheat Sheet to Call on Friendly Reporters

  1. How long can the White House “HIDE” Biden?? “OTHER” than Biden, “WHEN” was the last time a President had to ANNOUNCE a “press conference”, ONLY have ?questions”? from his crony FAVORITE “news” “reporters”? & STUMBLE & “forget” his train of thought? Ever “notice” “how” he’s always seated in his “gold” chair with the camera pointed at him?Other than signing “executive MANDATES’, ‘when”is he in the Oval Office? The “man” is a laughing stock@ home but also world wide. “Notice” that China, N. Korea ,Russia & Iran know that he is a “JOKE”.WHEN are Pelosi & Schumer gonna REALIZE that AMERICA is NOT as DUMB as “they” think we are?

  2. The media which is wholly owned by the liberal/socialist party will never allow any thing about how senile, biden is, has been, he is their trojan horse they used to to put their people(?) in place to complete the destruction of our Republic, and the majority(?) allowed this to happen. Either sheeple have completely lost their collective minds or they are that stupid to allow this to happen,or have no clue. We have seen after a few months , mistake after mistake, every false step, and still sheeple say nothing, the media has suppressed all they can about his incompetence. I has take months of prep, make be lots of drugs before they could stage a press conference with slojoe. His first was so rehearsed with slojoe’s handlers, and the media, and still sheeple say nothing, actually he did step up to the mic once before, but his handlers whisked him off after a few word. At this point he does what is told to do, unless he gets distracted, signs what he is told to sign, just keep smiling ( maybe drugs make him do that). The direction we are headed, will not end well for this country, to the much delight of other foreign countries, they are waiting, watching,for their opportunity to pounce, take advantage. So what will be our Fort Sumter of our time, how long before that dividing monment happens?

  3. With poor southern border security on the increase gun sales will increase, the military will not be coming for your guns, nor the police, but the illegals involved with drug ,sex, and crime industries will be…out dated ideas are not in tune with goals established across America’s This guy is living in the past along with his advisors, his progressive dementia has caused his brain relays not to connect.. It is really time to impeach this guy, have a recall? or force his resignation. Our energy policy about to financially collapse oil and gas on the way up, our southern border overrun with virus ridden illegal’s with thousands more coming. The country more divided then ever and a bunch of radicals controlling purse stings who really never had a business of their own or had to meet payroll etc. spending and taxing, like they new what they are doing. The American people what to know your doing acting has a president? The frequency of blank stares has increased, the inevitable is occurring more often, where is this tax payor white house doctor? saying this person ever been approved to serve as President? Where is our country going now ? Are those who know what’s going on going to be held responsible for his mental decisions ? Is the only plan to bankrupt our Country and tear apart all the good that Trump accomplished? Taxes on the rise companies already planning to leave our country, is that the plan? tax and spend, tax and spend, why because they don’t know how to govern. What Democrat city or State is operating in the black? It/s Resignation time.

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