The Unraveling of Joe Biden Begins

No surprise here, Biden gaffes will cost him…

Washington, DC – The unraveling of Joe Biden begins. We all knew it was coming or knew it was happing already. But now he is making his usual gaffes when “racial sensitivities” are high on the left. Black Lives Matter and protests lead daily news cycles. The Cancel Culture is in full mob mode, going after anyone who may say something they consider insensitive.

Now, we know the snowflakes are on full display nationally. They have the worst Trump Derangement Syndrome and will do anything to take down the President. But now Joe Biden is their standard-bearer. Biden is not your Social Justice candidate. Back in the day, Biden could have been considered anti-Social Justice.

Biden made some “insensitive” remarks that he and his campaign have backtracked. If you look at the coverage of this issue, it appears, as with most things, Democrats get a pass while Republicans never do. In fact, if President Trump had made these remarks, he would have been labeled a “racist,” or the left would claim this is a “dog – whistle,” meaning Trump was sending a signal to his fellow racists. Note: we don’t think the President is a racist.

The unraveling of Joe Biden begins, well, it should be.

So here is what Biden said, and we’ll let you judge for yourself. From Politico:

Joe Biden said in remarks on Wednesday that the Latino community is “incredibly diverse,” “unlike” the Black community…”Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things,” Biden said. “You go to Florida, you find a very different attitude about immigration than you do in Arizona. So it’s a very diverse community.”

Matthew Choi, Biden: Latino community is diverse, ‘unlike the African American community’, Politico, August 6, 2020

So Black people aren’t diverse, this is what Biden is saying. and considering we see a lot of African Americans coming out of the closet to support Trump despite the Black Lives Matter movement, this is pretty insulting. Like any race, views, and culture can be very diverse. FYI, Uncle Joe, white people, are very diverse as well.

The really bad part of this is who was interviewing Joe Biden. Can you guess? If you guessed the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists, you would be correct. If there was any time for Biden to be careful with his words, this was it. We can’t wait until the campaign trail heats up by the end of the month.

If you read out articles, you would know that we covered Biden’s potential Vice Presidential picks last week. A few of his potential picks are huge fans of Fidel Castro. This will alienate that “diverse” Latino community in Florida. Cubans generally hate Castro because of what he did to their home country and their people.

So, we are waiting for a huge rebuke from the black and Latino communities. This interview with Biden was released yesterday. Was there a trend on Twitter? Nope. Did we see a lot of media fodder over this condemning Biden? Nope. We saw a lot of headlines covering Biden and his campaign’s “spin” or damage control on the issue.

The unraveling of Joe Biden begins, well, it should be.

The hypocrisy of the left was on full display again. No one here at the Citizen Press was surprised. You shouldn’t be surprised either.

What do you think? Were Biden’s comments insensitive or racist? Is there a double standard in the media of how they treat Democrats and Republicans? How much more self-destruction of Joe Biden will the press and the Cancel Culture be sweeping under the carpet. Write your comments below or on social media!

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