Recount in Wisconsin Will Cost Trump Campaign $7.9 Million

Madison, WI – A recount of presidential election results in Wisconsin will cost the Trump campaign $7.9 million, according to county clerks in the state.

President Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by approximately 20,500 votes in the state.

There is an ongoing recount in Georgia, where Biden leads Trump by approximately 14,000 votes. The deadline to complete the Georgia recount is Nov. 18 at midnight.

This is the timeline for a potential recount in Wisconsin, according to the Associated Press.

Counties had until Tuesday to certify the election results. Assuming the last county canvass isn’t filed until Tuesday as expected, Trump would then have until 5 p.m. on Wednesday to request the recount. The recount could begin as soon as Thursday and be done no later than Dec. 1.


Trump reportedly wants a recount in Wisconsin and is raising money to make it happen. It is very likely the campaign will put up the nearly eight million dollars requested by the state.

The state will refund any unspent money paid by the Trump campaign.

Due to the highly partisan results of this election, a recount in Wisconsin is imperative. Whether a recount can close the gap in The Badger State for Trump is still in question.

Regardless of the results, the American people need to know that the United States can confirm the integrity of elections. Once the results are audited and confirmed with full transparency, states can move forward with securing and improving election integrity.

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