Coronavirus Media Hype: The Facts

Artist’s rendition of media spreading the Corona Virus hype…

New York, NY — The media has overhyped the Coronavirus.] The fear and threat are overblown. However, we still encourage you to employ the same healthy practices you normally do during the flu season. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face with your hands, and just be smart.

Here at America’s Citizen Press, we like facts and numbers. So let’s look at a few numbers:

  • Deaths from Coronavirus: 4,087 worldwide and 27 in the U.S. as of March 10, 2020.
  • Deaths from the Flu range anywhere from 291,000 to 646,000 worldwide and 12,000 to 61,000 in the United States.
  • If you do some rough math, Coronavirus kills around 50 people per day while the flu kills up to around 1,700 people a day

Our data comes from John’s Hopkins University. They relied on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. and the World Health Organization to get their statistics.

We are not trying to minimize the death toll here, because we value every life. However, what we are trying to emphasize is that the common flu is far deadlier. Although there is a little flu panic every year, it is nowhere near the Coronavirus hype by the media.

This media-perpetuated fear is causing Music Festivals like South by Southwest to be canceled. The NCAA is barring fans from attending Conference Championship Tournaments, and many conferences and trade shows are being canceled.

Our favorite is that Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden canceled rallies in Cleveland. We are all spared from more socialist rhetoric because of their fear.

What we hate to see, and this is where we break out our tinfoil hats, is how markets are being affected by the alleged Coronavirus threat. This is something that can derail President Trump’s robust economy going into the November elections. Is this by design by the lamestream media and other liberals? Our answer is: “yes, it seems very suspicious.”

What do you think of the Coronavirus hype? Is it real? Is this a way for the lamestream media to drum-up ratings? Is the hype, by design, meant to hurt President Trump? Please post your comments below and on our social media pages!

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