Biden Suggested the Minneapolis Police Shooting was “Intentional”

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden suggested the Minneapolis police shooting of Daunte Wright might have been “intentional.”

“I think we got to wait and see what the investigation shows,” Biden said. “And the entire investigation. You all watched, I assume as I did the film, which is fairly, the body cam, which is fairly, fairly graphic. Question is, was it an accident, was it intentional? It remains to be determined by a full blown investigation.”

This is an awful comment for the President of the United States to make amidst a highly contentious situation in Minneapolis.

Yes, a full investigation must happen to make a final determination of whether or not the shooting was an accident. However, Biden can say this without insinuating whether or not the shooting was intentional.

The initial release of the body cam footage appears to show the officer accidentally fired her sidearm instead of her stun gun in the heat of the moment. Biden’s statement suggesting it might be intentional undermines the police department and only adds to anti-police sentiment and racial tensions.

When people are rioting and looting in response to this shooting, that is the last thing Biden should be doing.

This is not presidential, and it does not encourage unity.

Watch Biden’s comments below.

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20 thoughts on “Biden Suggested the Minneapolis Police Shooting was “Intentional”

  1. A MORON, making a MORONIC statement, with all due respect, of course………until all the facts are in Mr Biden, say Nothing…… opinion

  2. The former VP has no clue as to what happened because he WASN’T there. Keep your mouth shut and let the investigations take place. You will just cause more problems for the THIN BLUE LINE! Can you understand you moron.

    1. Ignorant fool speaks of things he knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about!!! Go practice waking up stairs so next time you’ll…🤫🤭 Y’all stupid ignorance is at its finest at every corner of the White House now

  3. Way to go Biden you just did what you blamed Trump for Jan 6, but you come right out and create riots. Keep your mouth closed seems like every time you open it scheit leaps out. The difference between being a conservative or a socialist. He will be put up for a NPP award.

  4. Jacob Maerli, from the tone f this article I assume you don’t like Joe Biden. I don’t like him, either. I think he is an absolutely terrible and thoroughly un-American President but I did not detect any insinuation that Writes shooting was intentional. In fact, Biden did ask the question both ways and followed that by saying we have to wait for the full investigation to play out before making that judgement. Barak Obama would have, and did on many occasions, jump to an unfounded conclusion long before the whole story was told.

  5. Not intentional, but incompetent cop who doesn’t know the difference between a taser and a firearm holstered on opposite sides of her body, she panicked. should never been out on the street, especially as a Field Training Officer with a new rookie.

  6. My God this man really wants this country to burn. Does he not have any sense God gave a toadstool?
    His actions are as much a contributing factor to the destruction as the rioters.
    Does the media have any journalistic principals left to call this tool out and get him to explain what he means when he opens his pie hole?

  7. Just more proof he is the idiot in Chief!
    Let’s face facts looters, arsonists and vandals are basically criminals just looking for opportunities to do their dirty deeds. And with the virus masking – provides them identity concealment that makes them even less concerned they will br charged with a crime. The bottom line on many of these police caused deaths is the person resists arrest instead of letting a lawyer plead their case. The families make out like gangbusters because they use lawyers to shake down the cities for $$$$,

  8. Biden is just stupid. The way to stop this violence by the blacks is simple, treat them like you would any other person who flaunts the law, warn them and they shoot them. This violence and threats to individuals and the courts must stop and stop now, no matter who is causing this violence. Burning and looting is wrong and to let these scum bags get away with it is also wrong. Harsh measures yes, but so is burning down my business, my court house, my police station.

  9. How dare Biden suggest that the shooting was intentional. He is looking for month long riots and who knows what all with a stupid statement like that. Idiot galore..

  10. China Joe Uniting the country again with his anti-police rhetoric. What an idiot, if you watched the body cam video you saw a young black man break the law and resist arrest by fighting with the Police. From that point on, it was Mr. Wright who is responsible for ANYTHING that goes wrong in the incident. PERIOD.

  11. I doubt seriously that this coprolitic imbecile has any more information on this incident than we do. The billionaire cabal is working overtime if they wrote this for him. Looks like he strayed from the script again.

  12. Joe, we know your brain is turning to mush. Is your eyesight also failing? What a buffoon! You are the one inciting riots by BLM and Antifa. Are the videos just our imagination.

  13. Heard about it. Jump to conclusion, do not wait for the facts. They don’t count . All that counts is want I say and I don’t have a clue to what that is.
    Let me see, I am just saying. It is so because I am the President. BS.

  14. The twin dumb fks, Biden and Waters are continuing to act as judge and jury. We may as well eliminate the court system and just declare ever cop guilty. A nggr kills another nggr in Chicago, pick a cop to sacrifice That should do it.

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