Biden Administration Releasing Migrants into U.S. Without Court Dates

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden’s administration is releasing migrants into the United States without assigning them court dates.

Border Patrol agents are reportedly releasing undocumented immigrants into the country without court dates because they are running out of space in detention facilities.

While Biden and his administration claim the border is closed, Newsmax reports that migrants arriving at the border say Biden “encouraged them to come.”

The numbers back this claim up.

There are currently over 5,000 unaccompanied minors in Border Patrol custody. That is nearl twice the 2,600 unaccompanied minors held in Border Patrol custody at the peak of the 2019 border crisis.

We are only two months into Biden’s presidency. His lax policies and rhetoric are already creating an unmanageable surge of migrants at the southern border.

Pinal County Sheriff Mike Lamb, who visited with Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) at the border, discussed the abrupt and harmful policy changes implemented by the Biden administration. Lamb said the President Donald Trump’s administration was working with local, state, and federal leaders to come up with good policies. He called the growing crisis at the southern border under Biden “unorganized chaos” as opposed to the “manageable calm” with Trump in office.

“When President Biden took office, under his policies, his decisions, we’ve lost that. Now we have unorganized chaos and crisis on our southern border.”

Pinal County Sheriff Mike Lamb

In the meantime, Biden continues to hide behind his press team rather than answering tough questions on his failing policies.

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8 thoughts on “Biden Administration Releasing Migrants into U.S. Without Court Dates

  1. Looks like the children had better sleeping accommodations than our National Guardsmen under Madame Pelosi’s watch. The kids are probably getting uncontaminated food which our Guardsmen did not. Now many illegal aliens will be put up in 300 dollar a night hotel rooms to the tune of 90 million dollars. They will also receive 1400 bucks a piece from the stimulus package and I am sure they cut the lines for the COVID 19 vaccines. Also Black and only Black Farmers are going to get Reparation money.. Shades of the Pigford Farmers scandals.. They got Billions of dollars.. It started out that only black farmers were to get funds for discrimination on Dept. of Agriculture loans.. There were estimated to be about 1250 Black Farmers in the USA in the 1990’s. It turned out they got billions on 2 occasions and over seventeen thousand applied and got the thousands of dollars the government was handing out for votes in the 1990’s. Even a back yard tomato patch was considered a farm.. Which goes to prove that even though they as a group were given a form of reparation and 30 years later they are back at it again threatening the rest of us if they don’t get their extortion money.. In Chicago Blacks are getting 40-45 thousand each as reparation. Never ending extortion.

    1. First of all , biden is not a president . this was a fraudulent election he should have his and those who put him in PRESIDENT TRUMP’S OFFICE SHOULD GO TO PRISON THEN A FIRING SQUAD. AND THIS IS THE PRIME REASON . WE ALL KNEW biden is and was and still just a idiot. He has no clue of what he needs to do. He needs removed NOW!!! HE IS ENDANGERING AMERICANS. AND The ones he has let cross. His whole clan of thugs and SUPREME COURT JUDGES. And all of those rotten politician’s deserve prison 4 months ago. If there were any of these federal agencies worth 1 plugged nickle they would haul off the whole bunch of these idiots . I have lost respect for every last one of these fools. Politician’s and police. And anyone that listens to anything this so called administration tell you to do you would be a idiot to listen to them. Its time for that ding bat biden and the rest of his idiots from HILLARY PEEELOUSI obama and ignats biden.

  2. Why would the Biden administration give court dates to illegal aliens? It doesn’t care whether they would show up anyway. The intent is to allow them into the Country, not to enforce the law. If they show up for court hearings, the judges will determine that most do not qualify to remain and they will be deported.


    ( – One of the biggest stories mainstream media tried to sweep under the rug during the 2020 election season was about Hunter Biden (the president’s son) and his suspect dealings in Ukraine and China. It was alleged that he used his influence with his father — who was the vice president at the time of the deals — to broker meetings with him and agents of the foreign government. It’s a story that the bigwigs in Hollywood would steer clear from since they’re cut from the same Progressive cloth as the Democrats, but that type of relationship doesn’t exist with some Irish filmmakers. Producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney have named the movie “My Son Hunter” because, as McAleer puts it: “somebody had to tell this story… about some of the most powerful people in the country. He went on to say he asked himself whether the story about the Bidens was one about a crime family and came to the conclusion “I think it is, from the research we were doing.” That’s an audacious claim to make about the President of the United States and his relations, and only time will tell if it is a bombshell or a bust.

  4. Beijing Briben doesn’t think his new “undocumented dimokrap voters” need court dates only amnesty. Sad indeed what they are doing to destroy this country from within .

  5. I think the Biden’s are corrupt and always have been. I have seen many articles that are purposely unmentioned, because these liberals always get a pass and never any consequences.

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