A Win for the Trump Administration on Immigration

Another win for common sense at the Supreme Court…
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Washington, D.C. – If you don’t think elections matter, look at the Supreme Court. In this session, they’ve ruled against the Obamacare Individual Mandate; this was YUGE! Now, the Court has sided with common sense and the taxpayer on immigration.

From NBC News:

The Supreme Court issued an order Monday allowing the Trump administration to begin enforcing new limits on immigrants who are considered likely to become overly dependent on government benefit programs.

Pete Williams, NBC News, January 27, 2020

So what does this mean? To gain legal immigrant status, someone must prove that they will benefit society and earn a living. The idea here is that they will add, not subtract from the tax base by siphoning off taxpayer funds spent on government benefits.

This makes sense, why would we want people coming to the United States only to mooch off the American Taxpayer? We don’t want this, and the Trump Administration took a stand and won. Would we have seen this from Hillary Clinton – NOPE!

What we found interesting was the disparity from the information we read, briefing this issue. This is classic lamestream media. Let’s compare NBC, who we cited above to Reuters. Note: Reuters is the news service that local news republishes, so this bias is repeated often.

Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Re-read the quote from NBC above, that’s the first line of their article. Now compare it to Reuters:

The U.S. Supreme Court gave the go-ahead on Monday for one of President Donald Trump’s hardline immigration policies, allowing his administration to implement a rule denying legal permanent residency to certain immigrants deemed likely to require government assistance in the future. [Emphasis added]

Andrew Chung, Reuters, January 27, 2020

NBC did an okay job of doing their job – reporting the news. Reuters, however, had to color their bias with an opinion. They had to say Trump’s policies were “hardline.”

What is hardline about this policy, not allowing people who have to earn the right to live in the United States, to become burdens on society and the taxpayer? This is just common sense.

Unfortunately, liberals and the lamestream media are devoid of common sense.

We will continue to call them out on their baloney!

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