Vermont Looks to Ban Cellphones

Vermont’s State Capitol is one of the prettiest,
a cell phone was used to take this picture…
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).
Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

Montpelier, VT – A Democrat state senator in Vermont has introduced a bill that would ban cellphone usage and possession for anyone under 21. Possession by anyone under 21 can result in a year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. We like that this bill has some teeth!

Now, some of us older people are privately thinking “good!”, these kids need to get off their devices and pay attention to the real world. However, there is a catch to this article – and we find this to be very interesting.

If you read the article we linked, you will see that this Democrat…Yes, we said Democrat…is a STRONG supporter of 2nd Amendment Rights. Yes, a pro-liberty, gun-loving Democrat! We finally found a unicorn. Now we need to carefully capture it, bring it back to the lab for study, and try to clone it…

But there’s more! This state senator is running the bill to make a point that cell phones are more dangerous than guns and kill more people. Really what he’s drawing attention to is that the government should regulate freedom, and if the government wants to take away Constitutional rights to “protect” citizens (yeah, it does the exact opposite), then it needs to do it across the board.

Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty on Saturday (Chicago Police Department).

The article also quotes the usual liberals who talk about how this wastes time when the government could be expanding and controlling more of our lives. The press has to give these liberals a voice.

So, this begs the question: can you find elected people in your state that are willing to make a statement like this?

Just remember, we need less government and more freedom. This means the government shouldn’t be regulating behavior. It’s sad that a Vermont Democrat has more courage than most Republicans.

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