The Media and Diversity of Thought

Common sense is not allowed in the liberal media

New York, NY – The media and diversity of thought are mutually exclusive on the left. We covered this topic last month when Bari Weiss, an editor at the New York Times, penned a scathing letter about her former newspaper on her website. Now a producer at the Lawrence O’Donnell show on MSNBC is exposing her network’s bias.

Let’s not forget that former news anchor Sam Donaldson let the cat-out-of-the-bag on the liberal media last January as well. We wrote back then:

So, when formerly respected “journalist,” Sam Donaldson wrote an opinion piece endorsing Democrat Michael Bloomberg for President, the media establishment went nuts. Donaldson, as one of the lamestream media’s standard-bearers, showing his true colors let the cat out of the bag. Or, as we explain it – violated the First Rule of Fight Club.

America Citizen Press, The First Rule of Fight Club…, January 20, 2020

No matter how hard they try, the ruse is up. Let us rephrase that, sometimes they don’t even try to camouflage their bias in the media. In the case of MSNBC and the New York Times, it’s pretty clear they make zero effort to hide their bias.

You may remember another article we wrote about how the New York Times was obsessed with Trump. The Columbia Journalism Review graphed how much coverage the New York Times had of Trump compared to other Presidents. It was more than double that of their favorite son, Barack Obama. Of course, the Trump coverage was negative, and that is a nice segue into today’s article.

The media and diversity of thought are mutually exclusive on the left.

An MSNBC producer on the Lawrence O’Donnell left-wing show resigned. In a letter on her exit, she wrote a pretty scathing commentary on her colleagues and the industry. From The Hill:

Producer Ariana Pekary recently resigned from MSNBC with an open letter accusing the news network of predicating its editorial process on ratings and alleging that its model “blocks diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentive to amplify fringe voices and events.”

Joe Concha, MSNBC producer pens scathing exit letter: Ratings model ‘blocks diversity of thought and content’, The Hill, August 4, 2020

She continues that everything is ratings-driven. Give the people what they want is one thing, but when this interferes with informing the public, the fundamental role of the Press, that’s a problem. Pekary continues:

“It’s possible that I’m more sensitive to the editorial process due to my background in public radio, where no decision I ever witnessed was predicated on how a topic or guest would’ rate.’ The longer I was at MSNBC, the more I saw such choices – it’s practically baked into the editorial process – and those decisions affect news content every day,” she continued. “Likewise, it’s taboo to discuss how the ratings scheme distorts content, or it’s simply taken for granted, because everyone in the commercial broadcast news industry is doing the exact same thing.”

Joe Concha, MSNBC producer pens scathing exit letter: Ratings model ‘blocks diversity of thought and content’, The Hill, August 4, 2020

So, content on the show and in the industry is based on how it “would rate”. Clearly, this is an incentive for MSNBC to keep broadcasting the liberal echo-chamber misinformation. This explains Rachel Maddow…well, nothing explains Rachel Maddow. This model has worked for the New York Times that has seen its revenue soar by parroting the communist propaganda. Obviously, these people rioting in the streets don’t want to hear anything outside their echo chamber and are willing to pay for it. The article also claims that MSNBC’s ratings are up and only second to Fox News.

The media and diversity of thought are mutually exclusive on the left. This should come as no surprise to you if you read our content regularly. To our lefty readers, it’s time to wake up and stop being sheeple. Diversity of thought is vital to the future of our country.

What do you think? Does the media have a left-wing bias? Are you surprised by Bari Weiss and Pekary’s revelations about their former employers? Write your comments below or on social media!

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