New York Times Uses a RINO to Attack The GOP

The New York Times found another Romney sycophant to attack the Republican Party

Annapolis, MD – The New York Times uses a RINO to attack the GOP. No, we are not talking about the animal (spelled “Rhino”), we are talking about a Republican In Name Only. Some of the members of this herd have included John McCain and Mitt Romney. However, this RINO is named Stuart Stevens, and he has made a name for himself going after President Trump.

Stuart Stevens is touted as a “Republican Political Consultant”, although he is no longer listed or featured on his “Consultant Company’s” website – that’s probably because he is terrible for business. If you look at the company’s former clients, it is a list of the more left-of-center crowd in the Republican Party. Even though the firm represents lefty-Republicans, they don’t even want to be associated with him.

By the main picture, the New York Times posted for the article; you don’t need to read the article to know what Stevens is going to claim. He will parrot the bologna from the left that Republicans are racists (see the picture below).

Downloaded from this the Stuart Stevens Editorial in The New York Times, you knew this guy was going to call Republicans “racists”.

Here are some of Steven’s claims:

What is most telling is that the Republican Party actively embraced, supported, defended, and now enthusiastically identifies with a man who eagerly exploits the nation’s racial tensions. In our system, political parties should serve a circuit breaker function. The Republican Party never pulled the switch…Racism is the original sin of the modern Republican Party. While many Republicans today like to mourn the absence of an intellectual voice like William Buckley, it is often overlooked that Mr. Buckley began his career as a racist defending segregation.

Stuart Stevens, I Hope This Is Not Another Lie About the Republican Party, The New York Times, July 29, 2020

Let’s dissect this false statement. First, Stevens claims that Trump exploits the nation’s racial tensions. He completely ignores Democratic Presidents at least back to Woodrow Wilson. There have been plenty reaching into modern history, including Lyndon Johnson, and more recently, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Obama, even today, beyond his Presidency, exploited racial tensions in his speech eulogizing recently deceased U.S. Representative John Lewis.

Second, he claims that “racism is the original sin of the modern Republican Party”. He goes on to attack William Buckley as being racist. Now, we’re not historians here, but if we are lining up the timeline and he is saying the modern Republican Party started with Buckley, then we can quickly point out that it was democrats, not Republicans who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Much like the left like to tear down historical monuments and rewrite history, apparently so do some “Republicans”.

The New York Times uses a RINO to attack the GOP.

So, if this clown hasn’t made you made yet, he compares what he calls the demise of the Republican Party to the collapse of the Soviet Union:

This collapse of a major political party as a moral governing force is unlike anything we have seen in modern American politics. The closest parallel is the demise of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, when the dissonance between what the party said it stood for and what citizens experienced was so great that it was unsustainable.

Stuart Stevens, I Hope This Is Not Another Lie About the Republican Party, The New York Times, July 29, 2020

Here is the problem; he talks about a morally governing force. The fact that he makes a moral claim is a live one. Morally, Stevens should have disclosed who he is and whom he is associated with. Stevens is a member of The Lincoln Project. This group is touted as a bunch of “Republicans” opposing Trump. However, if you look at who is funding this group, you know this is all a farce. Stevens is a shill financed by the left.

David Harsanyi covered this in a recent article for National Review. This is what Harsayni uncovered about The Lincoln Project:

By far the biggest donor has been Stephen Mandel, who gave the Lincoln Project — which, as far as I can tell, produces cheap b-roll-laden ads and takes nearly 90 percent of its budget in “operating expenditures” — a million dollars. Employees at his company Lone Pine Capital, it seems, have given the Democratic Party Senate committee $497,000 this year, $248,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and a bunch of money to other left-wing candidates. During the 2018 cycle, employees at Lone Pine Capital doled out $5,893,300 to Democrats and $1,333,333 to Planned Parenthood… I’m confused somewhat by one of the other top names: Arturas Kerelis, who news reports say is actually an Internet grifter named Arturas Rosenbacher. Maybe the donor is a different person. Then again, it would fit. (It looks like his donation was refunded.) Amos Hostetter, who dropped over a million dollars on the Obama Foundation, and David Geffen have been giving money to Democrats decades before Donald Trump ever ran for president or “Trumpism” existed. As has another top Lincoln Project donor, Joshua Bekenstein, director of Bain Capital, who gave Democrats $3.5 million in 2018.

David Harsanyi, Who Funds the Lincoln Project? Exactly Whom You Expect, National Review, July 15, 2020

Yeah, so this guy is in bed well well-heeled, Obama and other Democrat supporting millionaires. If this Stevens guy had any moral backbone, he would have disclosed this. As they say, those in glass houses…

The New York Times should be ashamed of themselves for printing this. A little fact-checking should have put this “Editorial” in the trash can at someone’s desk. However, we know the New York Times lost any credibility a long time ago. Trump Derangement Syndrome runs rampant. However, to call anyone in the Party of Lincoln, founded on abolishing slavery, racists is just morally untenable.

The New York Times uses a RINO to attack the GOP.

What do you think? Is Stevens correct, Republicans are a bunch of racists? Should Stevens have disclosed his funders? Why is the New York Times still in publication? Please write your comments below and on social media!

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