Liberals are Eating Their Own

Ellen, maybe you aren’t the Queen of Nice…

Burbank, CA – Liberals are eating their own. We here at the Citizen’s Press aren’t complaining about this. However, we want to remind the left they should be careful what they wish for. Workplace Harassment and Hostile Work Environment aren’t laughing matters, but the Cancel Culture and the heightened “awareness” has allowed this issue to be used as a weapon. In the process, we can expect more liberals to go down with the ship.

The latest liberal to be tagged with the “Hostile Work Environment” tag is Ellen DeGeneres. Now you may remember we covered DeGeneres in January when she caught heat for hanging out with Former President Bush at a football game. She caught more heat for saying President Bush was a nice guy. Then she shamed her fellow liberals for not allowing reasonable political discourse in this country. She even went as far as to tell her fellow libs that you shouldn’t hate someone who doesn’t share your political views.

We agreed with DeGeneres back in January. We also pointed out that she got a bit of a pass because she is a Liberal Lesbian – one of the untouchable classes of the left. However, we contrasted her treatment by the public with that of funnyman Vince Vaughn. Vaughn has public conservative/libertarian leanings and was seen being friendly with President Trump. Looking at Vaughn’s Wiki page, he doesn’t have any new projects that aren’t in post-production. Our guess is Hollywood is blackballing him, but only time will tell.

Liberals are eating their own, now back to Ellen DeGeneres. Liberal Buzzfeed News published an article about the work environment at The Ellen Show. Don’t judge us, but we like the writing at Buzzfeed, if they just had a clue and weren’t so liberal, the website would be worthwhile. Back to the article and we’ll set this up in Buzzfeed’s own words:

Ellen DeGeneres has built her worldwide, multimillion-dollar brand on the motto “be kind,” with lavish giveaways and acts of charity. But behind the scenes, current and former employees on her leading daytime show say they faced racism, fear, and intimidation…“That ‘be kind’ BS [They used the full word here, we edited it because it goes against our standards] only happens when the cameras are on. It’s all for show,” one former employee told BuzzFeed News. “I know they give money to people and help them out, but it’s for show.”

Krystie Lee Yandoli, Former Employees Say Ellen’s “Be Kind” Talk Show Mantra Masks A Toxic Work Culture,, July 16, 2020

Whoa! Racism and intimidation from the left? Who knew [sarcasm]. Yes, the left is a bunch of hypocrites, and now the Cancel Culture is catching up with them. Liberals are eating their own, and it’s just desserts!

How bad was it at The Ellen Show, and you can judge for yourself whether this person was thin-skinned or this was racist (we’ll go with the latter). From Buzzfeed:

A Black woman who used to work on The Ellen DeGeneres Show told BuzzFeed News she experienced racist comments, actions, and “microaggressions” during her year and a half as an employee. She said when she was hired, a senior-level producer told her and another Black employee, “Oh wow, you both have box braids; I hope we don’t get you confused.” And at a work party, she said, one of the main writers told her, “I’m sorry, I only know the names of the white people who work here,” and other coworkers “awkwardly laughed it off” instead of coming to her defense.

Krystie Lee Yandoli, Former Employees Say Ellen’s “Be Kind” Talk Show Mantra Masks A Toxic Work Culture,, July 16, 2020

Yeah, this is pretty bad. However, “microaggression” makes our stomachs turn – it’s such a snowflake lefty term.

Our guess is the witchhunt no longer applies to conservatives. Will they make a movie about this like they did about Fox News via the Bombshell movie? We think not; the Hollywood left will probably sweep this under the rug. We Googled: “the Ellen DeGeneres show trouble,” and no major publication except for the entertainment publications had a story that popped up (People wasn’t listed). UPDATE: NPR just posted something, we scooped them!  

We think the lack of coverage for this issue confirms our suspicion this will be ignored by the lamestream media. This doesn’t fit the narrative that only conservatives harass and are racist. Liberals get a pass. However, liberals are eating their own to an extent. We guess that’s progress.

What do you think? Was there a hostile work environment at The Ellen Show? Are liberals eating their own? Will this continue to be ignored by the lamestream media? Write your comments below and on social media!

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