Joe Biden and his Vice-presidential Problems

Yeah, Uncle Joe we’re bewildered by your choices as well…

Wilmington, DE – Joe Biden and his Vice-presidential problems. No, we are NOT talking about all of the blunders and positions he took at Vice-president, we’re talking about his Vice-presidential shortlist for his running-mate.

First, we need to acknowledge that the Vice-presidential pick usually isn’t that important. Some would argue that by picking Mike Pence in 2016, Trump brought a calming force to his campaign that shored up the base’s social conservative flank. But we all know the 2016 election was all about Trump, even with Pence’s strong showing in the Vice-presidential debate.

However, this pick for Joe Biden will have extra scrutiny. There is an angry extreme-far-left faction that demands appeasement. Plus, there are the questions of Biden’s health and viable mental capacity to complete a full-term as President. This places an extra spotlight on Biden’s VP pick because there is a higher probability that this person could be President in the next four years.

According to Fox News, here are the top five contenders for Biden’s VP pick: Susan Rice, Rep. Karen Bass (D – California), Rep. Val Demings (D – Florida), and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D – Georgia). You would think that Harris’s nightmarish Presidential run would give her too much baggage to be considered. However, the Democrats want a circus. We don’t understand the geographic advantage her or Bass bring to the table, California is not in play. California is also considered an outlier on policy and attitude for the other Western States.

Bass is on the record for loving genocidal Communist Dictator Fidel Castro. This will alienate the Cuban blocks of voters in Florida, a swing state. Not to mention her praise of Scientology, this will be a problem. Although Will Smith and Tom Cruise will love her, ordinary people both in and outside California will not. She will, however, garner support from the ANTIFA rioters and looters.

Joe Biden and his Vice-presidential problems.

Susan Rice has Benghazi baggage. We’re pretty sure the 3rd Party groups will only have to change a little bit of the voice-overs from those anti-Hillary Clinton Commercials from 2016. Rice also has an abundance of international relations experience with being the National Security adviser and representing the U.S. in the United Nations. However, Biden was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when he served. Obama picked him as his VP mainly because of what Biden brought to the table on this issue. We don’t see how Rice adds anything to the ticket.

Then there is Val Demmings. This is the most interesting pick from Florida, a swing state. Demmings has a strong law enforcement background. She may be able to shore up white suburban voters with her law and order background. However, in the process, she may alienate the far-left base. When she was Chief of Police in Orlando, Florida, there were many excessive force allegations. In this George Floyd world on the left, this probably won’t fly. Also, she had her service weapon stolen out of her car in 2009. The anti-gun crowd may frown upon this. The pro-gun crowd will hate her for her “F” rating from the NRA.

Finally, there is Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. Is Georgia really in play for Biden? We think not; in fact, it should be a solid Trump state. The left may like this pick, but do you really want an inexperienced mayor one major Biden collapse from being President? Plus, Bottoms had some serious campaign finance issues during her last run for Mayor. She had to return over $25,000 to a disgraced contractor that had troubles with the FBI.

Joe Biden and his Vice-presidential problems.

All of Biden’s top picks have significant problems. Not to mention that Biden has major issues. All eyes will be on the Biden pick. Voters will have to ask themselves, can I see this second in command as my potential President in the next four years. All of these picks are pretty scary. If Biden wins, this will be devastating for America.

What do you think? Are Biden’s potential Vice-presidential picks problematic? Is the VP nomination especially important this year because of Biden’s health? Will Biden alienate his far-left base with his pick, or will he alienate suburban voters? What say you? Please write your comments below or on social media!

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