Is this Election About Civil Liberties and Personal Responsibility?

Citizens peacefully protest to re-open Colorado…

Denver, CO – Is this election about civil liberties and personal responsibility? Yes, but you are probably thinking we are referring to the criminal justice provisions of the 4th and 5th Amendments for this article. These two Amendments may well play a role in the 2020 election. But this article is about another one of your civil liberties, we’ll explain later.

We aren’t trying to trick you into reading this article. It’s just that we’ve noticed that when we write about this topic, it doesn’t show up in internet searches and news feeds. You can infer whatever you want from that, but we’ve found the tackling the issue in paragraph three helps.

Yes, this election may hinge on the 2nd Amendment. This is a taboo topic for social media and certain search engines if you’re pro-2nd Amendment. By now, you may have heard that gun sales are setting records because of COVID. We think this is a good thing, primarily because many of these statistics are driven by first-time buyers, Democrats, and women. This may change the dynamic of this election because there is a clear distinction on this issue with the two major-party presidential candidates.

We think increased gun sales are a good thing. Well, unless you had been saving to add to your collection, or wanted to pick up some ammo. Then you know that stocks are low, some new toys are unavailable, and prices are up. However, politically this is a good thing.

The Washington Free Beacon wrote a pretty good article on the journey of a first-time gun buyer in anti-gun California. This is worth a read, and here is a little excerpt:

Now Kane, a former supporter of gun-control measures and AR-15 bans, is frustrated by the arduous process that has denied his family a sense of security. The pandemic has made the soft-spoken software engineer an unlikely Second Amendment supporter.

Stephen Gutowski, First-Time Gun Buyers Explain How Coronavirus Changed Their Politics, Washington Free Beacon, May 23, 2020

Many of our anti-2nd Amendment friends (everyone has some)have approached us to inquire about the process and what to buy. Clearly, attitudes are changing, and we hope this changes some votes as well.

Even the liberal Brookings Institution wrote an article on this. Here are some of their findings:

There is a positive relationship between gun permits and liberal ideology. Moreover, gun permits have increased the most during the COVID-19 pandemic in states that tend to be more liberal, both in terms of citizen ideology and political party of state governor. Four of the top 10 states with the largest gun permit increases are in the New England area including Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. In recent months, Vermont had a record high for background checks and Delaware had a record high for gun sales

Rashawn Ray and Rebecca Shankman, How COVID-19 is changing the gun debate, Brookings Institute Website, June 17, 2020

When you realize that guns aren’t mythical dangerous creatures and you own one or more, you probably will think twice about voting for politicians who want to take them away. It’s a basic human need to protect yourself and your family. Rightfully so, people see firearms as a means to protect.

For good measure, you should read this article by David Harsanyi. He destroys the logic behind the media, reporting that there has been a significant increase in background check rejections. Hint: it’s simple math. However, you should be armed with facts to debate your liberal friends or that idiot on Facebook!

Since this topic gets us in trouble with the internet gods, we want to throw in one tangental article. This one is out of a Denver, CO news station. The article is called “More Coloradans Leaving Guns In Cars Where They Can Be Stolen, And More Youth Are Dying.” The article talks about a few education campaigns not to leave your gun in your car.

Now, we think this is about personal responsibility. If you don’t want your gun stolen, then store it safely or at the ready. However, what annoys us about this article is how it blames gun owners for youth gun deaths. This completely shifts responsibility from the people committing the crime of stealing the gun to the gun owner. The gun owner is the innocent party here. Oh, the lamestream media is just so lame and should be ashamed.

So, what do you think? Will liberals buying guns change their voting behavior? Will this help President Trump win by drawing a contrast with Biden on the issue? Is the lamestream media wrong in blaming gun owners for gun thefts? Please write your comments below or on social media!

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One thought on “Is this Election About Civil Liberties and Personal Responsibility?

  1. it might give some a pause and question what the liberal/socialist have been spewing for decades, some might even begin to apply common sense, a word that has the same effect on the liberal/socialist as throwing Holy Water on a vampire, could be one in the same. I think some have come to realize that the only person who will be protecting one’s self is the person in the mirror. Now all this could change when a mental defected person associated with the liberal/socialist decides to take out innocent citizens, same as what has happen so many time over the last 6 decades, most mass shooters were associated with then the democrats. nka liberal socialist. Then the media will spin the truth fast than a cat in a litter box, not much difference. If I say there is hope that the new people to self awareness understands that a fire arm is just a tool and only goes to the dark side when evil uses it, other wise it just sits there. So folk with out hope there is nothing but despair, which do you choose?

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