Gov. Parson Says Missouri Will “Never” Mandate Vaccine Passports

Jefferson City, MO — Governor Mike Parson says Missouri will “never” mandate vaccine passports, saying it was not the government’s place to do that.

Parson noted that Missouri is top ten in the economy and top ten in unemployment in the United States after not shutting down like many struggling states in the country. He further claimed that the lack of mandates in the state is why Missouri is “second in the nation on second doses” of the COVID-19 vaccination.

That is great news for businesses and the state’s tourism industry as summer approaches.

Missouri’s approach of encouraging individual rights and responsibility is working to help the state through the pandemic — contrary to the liberal media’s narrative.

You can read Parson’s full comments below.

“One, it’s all about the privacy of the individual who received the vaccine, who didn’t. Also … do we really want the federal government to have all that information in its database to be able to use it for whatever reason they might want to use it as time goes forward? And I think the other thing is, we have been in the vaccination business for four months actually with COVID-19. This whole process for over a year now has had so many unknowns in it, so many people that were experts that really turned out not to be so experts, and all the things we have heard from this. So, who knows where this vaccine is going to go? I’m not sure what the end result of this is going to be yet on what it does. So, I think it’s way premature,” Parson said.

Parson continued, “We are never going to do that in the state of Missouri. We are never going to have a mandate, a passport, a vaccine passport in this state. You know, if people want to carry a card … that’s fine. That’s called freedom. It’s called individual rights, but it’s not government’s place to do that. And so, you know, we didn’t do the mask mandate here in this state. We didn’t shut businesses down. You know, and all those steps that we did … we are now in the top 10 in the United States in our economy. We’re in the top 10 on our unemployment rates. We are second in the nation on second doses in this state by not doing mandates. So, I think everybody just jumps a knee-jerk reaction when they think you have got to mandate the American people to do something, and that’s not who we are.”

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