Biden Targets Gun Owners by Executive Action

Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced several executive actions that target gun owners, as well as a new anti-gun ATF director.

Biden ordered the Justice Department to propose a rule to stop the creation of so-called “ghost guns.”

The president falsely claimed that children could assemble these guns using kits bought on the internet. While kits can be purchased on the internet, machining and assembling these firearms requires multiple power tools and a firm grasp of how to use them. It is also already illegal to sell homemade firearms without a license, meaning they are strictly for personal use.

Biden further ordered the Justice Department to propose a rule to regulate stabilizing braces for pistols, as well as to propose “Red Flag” legislation for states. Both these orders come with a timeline of 60 days.

Regulating stabilizing braces will only punish law-abiding gun owners by either criminalizing them or costing them hundreds of dollars in extra taxes.

On top of that, “Red Flag” laws infringe on the Second Amendment and the right to the due process of law. There is no evidence they decrease gun violence.

The administration also announced the nomination of David Chipman as the new ATF Director. Chipman is a radical anti-gun activist who worked for Giffords, a gun control lobby group. He has locked his Twitter account, and records appear to show he has deleted over 1,000 tweets in an attempt to hide his anti-gun statements. His nomination will face significant hurdles in the 50-50 split Senate.

Biden again called on Congress to ban so-called “assault weapons” and repeal immunity for gun manufacturers. Contrary to liberal rhetoric, gun manufacturers do not have immunity in all cases, and this is simply an attempt to bankrupt and put gun manufacturers out of business.

This is nothing like the “unity” Biden continues to refer to in his stumbling speeches. It’s an outright assault on law-abiding gun owners.

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18 thoughts on “Biden Targets Gun Owners by Executive Action

  1. Biden’s actions appear to be to limit everything America stands for. He supports every country that is against America while only limiting our freedoms in every way. He is no President for the people. He is an enemy to his own people and a friend to our enemies. How much more can we take?

  2. Hey Biden … Go to Hell you damned FRAUD !
    You was never nor will you ever be presidential material !

  3. Hey Biden … Go to Hell you damned FRAUD …
    You was never nor will you ever be presidential material !

  4. How does he Biden know what framers he can’t even do a speech or remember he had to speak.but guess he remembers how to touch girls and women on stage saw multiple views of him .so person no moral value .to represent voters.who don’t want or need more restrictions on gun ownership. I have about revealing where you get millions and your son.can u do an executive order and do something usefell.go after clinton.maybe do as you said when trying to get elected.which I don’t and others believe you are the garbage that needs to be thrown outside the fence u hide us all a favor find more

  5. It appears to me that there is nothing new that they haven’t tried before. In Oklahoma, the “Red Flag” law has been stricken down as in many other states. We already knew that they would continue to “try” to take our guns!

  6. Who f’n cares what this jerk signs. He doesn’t even know what he’s signing. Just signs whatever his handlers put in front of him. C’mon Man!!!!

  7. You have to get passed the State laws. They trump your eos, now go back to your basement and the real President take over. I speak of President Trump, of course. None of this would have happened if the citizens got the real one voted back in and the demonrat dominion machines weren’t involved.

  8. Your EO’s are illegal in my opinion. They will be challanged and over turned by the SCOTUS in the opinion of this voter . These are the acts of a dictator ,are you one?

  9. President Trump warned that Beijing Biden was coming for the 2A and ALL of Americans’ guns. Here’s the proof that he was right again. All of us gun owners knew it even before Sloe Joe pulled this crap. It’s also additional proof that he stole the election through massive fraud using the CHINA virus as a vehicle.
    It’s common knowledge that gun and ammunition sales are through the roof in unprecedented numbers. Estimates are that there are, at least, 8 million brand new gun owners in just the past 15 months. They, and existing gun owners, have stockpiled guns and ammo to the point where every gun/ammo vendor in the country are stripped to the bare walls. Even in rabid anti-gun states like mine (MA).
    Does this sound like some national anti-gun “mandate” like Sleepy Joe would have us believe?
    The DemoRATs are poisonous scum and a threat to American exceptionalism. They must be ejected from power and NEVER allowed to gain it again. They succeeded in stealing their way in this time. That door must be securely welded shut. The American people don’t want what they’re selling. That should be obvious even to Dementia Joe and “heels up” Harris.

  10. This man is crazy! He told Jill Biden to just aim her 12 gauge shotgun “up in the air” & “nobody would bother her” in Del. God forbid that “he” should own one.The “man” can’t stand on two feet, least of all shoot off a 12 gauge! “I was 12 yrs.old & I thought that my shoulder was “gonzo’ & I was “lucky” to be still standing! This IDIOT has no “clue” re: gun control. “Those” who can shoot, “know” what “they are doing. The “REST” of the guns are UNREGISTERED & in the hands of criminals. Biden SHOULD get the UNREGISTERED GUNS OFF THE STREETS! MAYBE”THEN” Chicago will have less deaths?

  11. This man is crazy! He told Jill Biden to just aim her 12 gauge shotgun “up in the air” & “nobody would bother her” in Del. God forbid that “he” should own one.The “man” can’t stand on two feet, least of all shoot off a 12 gauge! “I was 12 yrs.old & I thought that my shoulder was “gonzo’ & I was “lucky” to be still standing! This IDIOT has no “clue” re: gun control. “Those” who can shoot, “know” what “they are doing. The “REST” of the guns are UNREGISTERED & in the hands of criminals. Biden SHOULD get the UNREGISTERED GUNS OFF THE STREETS! MAYBE”THEN” Chicago will have less deaths? WHY did you flag this?

  12. Here we go again demented Biden thinks oh wait I’m sorry he doesn’t think at all, another really bad executive order targeting la abiding citizens, maybe we’re doing it all wrong, and we shouldn’t be law abiding , like the protesters andnscum rioting, stealing and destroying in Wisconsin they can keep their guns, antifa can keep their guns oh wait again their supposed to be peaceful protesters no guns you can see on them until they shoot and kill an innocent bystander! But I digress this is about law abiding citizens, Biden stating children can put these guns together but as usual Biden is WRONG! Be careful Biden what you wish for, real Americans and that’s about 98% of Americans can’t stand you, we did a real survey you lose big time!

  13. President Trump was Right about Biden again, ya all have to admit President Trump have been batting 100% on what biden does he calls it and biden destroys it! Keep up the good work President Trump! Higher taxes, gun grab, open crisis at border all were predicted by President Trump that Biden is destroying out of pure jealousy, he can’t stand the fact President Trump was right!!

  14. Biden had better worry about turning his life around. He is headed straight to hell, with obama, soros, Pelosi, Schumer, nadler , and others, if he does not change, soon. His warning came from the Lord when he fell up the steps 3 times.

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