National Guard and Potentially Active Duty Military in D.C. Through Fall 2021

New Jersey National Guard preparing for inauguration day. Credit: The National Guard (CC BY 2.0)

Washington, D.C. — The National Guard and potentially active duty military personnel will remain in Washington, D.C. through fall 2021, according to Fox News.

National Guard troops were initially deployed to the capital in response to the Jan. 6 breech of the Capitol. Then, they were retained to help provide security for President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

After that, Democrats said the troops were necessary to maintain peace during the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. The Senate acquitted Trump on Saturday after Democrats wimped out on calling witnesses in the trial. Seven GOP Senators voted with Democrats to convict Trump.

Now, it is unclear why the National Guard troops remain in D.C. Under the current plan, it is going to cost $483 million to maintain the National Guard’s presence.

Cost breakdown for National Guard in D.C. through March 15:
  • S284 million for personnel
  • S199 million for operations

Approximately 6,000 National Guard men and women are currently maintaining a military perimeter around the Capitol. Multi-layered fences topped with razor wire are guarded by the massive troop presence.

For context, only 2,500 active duty military personnel remain in Afghanistan. At the inauguration, there were approximately 26,000 U.S. National Guard troops from every state in the country in D.C.

However, the costs and high troop count is not the most concerning development in the military-security situation in D.C. Reserve and active duty military personnel are being weighed as an option to maintain a military presence in D.C. through fall 2021.

Additional options: Reserve and active duty military personnel

Fox5 obtained an email from the new Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security, Robert Salesses. It reads:

“If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with NG personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.”

Email from Robert Salesses, obtained by Fox5

Take note of the phrase, “to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.”

This is not how a Constitutional Republic maintains peace after a crisis has ended. This is the type of action that dictatorships take to retain power and enforce their will on the people.

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6 thoughts on “National Guard and Potentially Active Duty Military in D.C. Through Fall 2021

  1. Democrats” This whole Presidential thing, it is very obvious now, that Biden is in, way over his mental capabilities, moving forward with his total leftist agenda, serving our Country up on a platter, for his Chinese obligations made, once all this fully becomes apparent to all Americans change will finally occur. He has made election promises, non of which he can keep, and his executive mandates will only satisfy for a little while longer. Family baggage will become his downfall, this man can not say promises made, promises kept to the American people, maybe to China The Country is more divided then ever before and it’s getting worse, keep taking American jobs away will come back additionally to be your downfold and your fake impeachment trials won’t help.

  2. Thank goodness President Trump did not need to employ groups to guard him. Must be something wrong with Democratic policy or is it just Pelosi losing her mind.

  3. Maybe it’s time we move our “real” Nation’s Capitol to another location – – like Mar-a-Lago, in Florida. Just keep China joe, the harris camel and the democommie creeps in DC., let them all flail and howl to their hearts’ content. They have NO control over US, our “real Republic” is NOT in DC.

  4. Is sleepy joe afraid of being away from his basement bunker at home?? In DC, he needs learn sleep with one eye open, heels up is making plans for her future!! Maybe better increase security more troops. Send NG home and bring troops from Afghanistan, they really know how to fight!!

  5. First Pelosi does not have any power (set by law) to make the NG remain in DC. The DC NG (those from within the DC area) guarding the (insert word) within the Capitol are reportable directly to the President. All others have state governors and federal leaders that do not mention the house speaker. There is a specific written reason why active duty military cannot be deployed to protect unless a declared emergency is done and then only by the President. Remember not too long ago when some congressmen were using the NG as the militia mentioned in the second amendment? Well that issue was not accepted and now you can see why it would not work had everyone said OK here are all the guns we have.

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