Tancredo: From Roy Rogers to Winston Churchill

By: Tom Tancredo

“There’s a revolution goin’ on here and it don’t include no Roy Rogers or Bob Hope.” 

That was the response of a lady by the name of Rosalina Sandoval-Marin to a question posed to her by a reporter for the Los Angeles Times as she drank at a local watering hole called El Chubasco in Victorville, California. The reporter was gathering local reactions to the closure of the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum, which had been a landmark in Victorville and nearby Apple Valley for decades. The year was 2004. 

The reporter called me for my reaction, and I told him that Ms. Sandoval-Marin described the situation accurately (if ineloquently) — and that it applied not just in California but throughout the United States. 

It’s a revolution in political thought that has been going on since the French Revolution. In the West, it has permeated most “institutions of higher education” and almost all forms of social media. The products of those colleges and universities now teach our kids, go into the board rooms of the biggest companies in America, and even into the military. They get elected to school boards, county commissions, district attorney offices, state legislatures, the Congress, and the presidency — primarily through massive funding and fraudulent portrayals of what is really being advanced.

You must understand that there is nothing you can do or say to appease these “revolutionaries” any more than Lenin, Mao, Castro, et al., could have been appeased. 

No amount of money thrown at welfare will appease them. 

No amount of affirmative action programs in schools or jobs will placate them. 

They will not be appeased even when the few remaining conservative professors holding out in safe houses somewhere are ferreted out and fired. 

They will not be placated even when, each school day, students chant “God Damn America” instead of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Neither will they be satisfied even when every American history textbook has been burned and replaced with A People’s History of the United States (written by the communist Howard Zinn and already available in most schools).

Nor will they be content even when the borders are open to all (except, of course, Asians and Europeans). 

They will still be raging and rioting and ripping apart all that is good about American even when the last vestiges of the old America have been cleansed from all libraries, all the airwaves, and all social media — and when schoolchildren receive rewards and accolades when they turn in their parents for “disloyal” thoughts.

They will still be viciously anti-American even when no guns are in the hands of private citizens, when Christmas is changed into a “Winter Holiday,” when “Juneteenth” replaces the Fourth of July as Independence Day, when some bastardized song replaces the national anthem penned by Francis Scott Key, or when the destruction of all past knowledge is complete.

When all that is done, these “revolutionaries” will turn their jaundiced, hateful, tyrannical attention to consolidating their power. There will be “reeducation camps” for the recalcitrant and “elimination camps” for those who can’t be remade.

This is the dream world of totalitarians such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and the growing legion of “woke” multinational CEOs. They are committed body, mind, and soul to destroying the light of world freedom that is the United States of America — and nothing —– nothing — you or I can do will ever appease their lust for blood and power. 

I know this may sound “over the top,” just as many German Jews believed any hint of mass deportations and extermination camps was likewise hyperbolic claptrap. 

We cannot underestimate the ability of a few people, dedicated, well-funded, and fundamentally evil, to completely destroy the blessings of liberty that are taken for granted by a population that has been buried in communist propaganda for generations and is growing ever more intellectually unable to understand what the Founders created for us — and, by extension, for the whole world. 

The only thing that we can do is to try to awaken the American spirit and STOP appeasing the demagogues and totalitarians of the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the various communist organizations and initiatives such as Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Antifa. 

The good news is that Hitler and Stalin eventually fell, though only at a horrifying cost — but I have no idea if there is enough vitality and intellectual awareness left in the body politic of the West to mount a full-scale assault on tyranny in the form of totalitarian “wokeness.” And if the U.S. succumbs to this tyranny, who is left to undertake the battle for liberty?

But that is what we must do unless someone can come up with a better strategy. Until then, our only option is to take a page from Churchill’s June 4, 1940: 

“We shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds, 
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender…”

For the time being, the beaches are the school boards. The landing grounds are the legislative bodies at the city, county, state, and federal levels. The field and streets are what’s left of the pages of social media open to us. And the hills are the homes in which we transmit values to our young. Add prayer at every level of resistance, and I ask again, does anyone have a better strategy? 

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12 thoughts on “Tancredo: From Roy Rogers to Winston Churchill

  1. This is very true and it took 70 years to stop communism in the Soviet Union, and the people did it. Communism has been in Cuba for 63 years and it looks like the people are rising up, seeing the recent protests it may be close to an end there, it took almost 30 years and a major world war to take Hitler and the Nazis out. I understand there is an underlying revolt against the Chinese Communist Party that we are not hearing much about. Here there seems to be preparations for a new civil war against the Biden/Harris administration, the democrats and leftists. And seems to be held back by the possibility of Trump being put back as president. The tipping point is close, the Biden/Harris administration believes this which is why they are going hell bent on their socialist agenda and their attacks on conservatives, Christians, Jews and Trump supporters.

  2. In the words of the brave patriots on the 911’s I’ll fated airplane that crashed in a field instead of the terriorist intended target, “LETS ROLL”.
    “WE THE PEOPLE” must act immediately.

  3. You state the obvious so well! Keep these articles coming and thank you for providing a voice for so many of us!

  4. I totally agree with this assessment in your article. I for one have been trying to point these facts out for years to family and friends. There are some that choose to bury their heads in the sand. I am not a quitter and will continue to stand up for the constitution and defend our country against all enemies foreign and domestic. There sure are plenty ignorant sheep that are uneducated concerning history and the atrocities of Marxism, communism and socialism. I always tell people if you think those things are what you want go live in Cuba or Venezuela. Right now the Cuban people need help to be free of these tyrants and murderers. Americans do not give up your guns!

  5. Yes indeed I have a better strategy !!!
    Where do you think these commies get their seemingly unlimited funding ? What do you think the private Federal Reserve Bank owners do with their exhorbitant profits ? I believe those secret internation banker criminals are behind most of the funding.
    Until you eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank there is little hope in restoring American values.
    I urge the People to read some of what Congressman McFadden had to say about the Federal Reserve in the 1920’s and the 1930’s.

  6. I think people who spend life in prison might be worse punishment then death if only prisons would stick to punishment instead of giving these people tv internet and other privileges they do not deserve

  7. What exactly are you raging about? ? has Roy Rogers been canceled? ? What is going on? ? ?i certainly do agree with you and Winston Churchill! 1 i certainly do decry all the false history our precious young children have been taught for more than 40 years! i am terrified that it is now getting even worse! ?Surely the marxists are not now going on attack against Roy rogers? ? It is despicable how they attacked Christopher Columbus abd Robert E. Lee1 1 1May God have mercy~! 1!

  8. Our schools are publicly funded entities and therefore operate under the direction of the party in power. I’m always shocked at how frightened of privatization the public is. New issues arise every week or so and the current issue is critical race theory. Large numbers of teachers have threatened to include it in their lesson plans regardless of what the states, politicians, parents or ordinary taxpayers want.

    Clearly, our public system, K-12 through our best universities, has collapsed intellectually. Currently, the U.S. is surviving its terrible system but we plant in our youth an almost indestructible socialist taproot. Teachers will tell you breaking away is impossible. But education is legally and logically a private matter.

    The central problem is acceptance of government control of our children. Parents also don’t feel they have a financial stake in education. School taxes are blended with property taxes and often are forgotten because they’re mandatory whether or not they have school-aged children. Students will improve when parents feel education is a financial acquisition. And parents will be more engaged when their private money is at stake.

    The primary problem with the K-12 segment is it’s a monopoly in a nation where monopoly is considered a criminal enterprise for everyone else. Another major flaw is taxpayers, with no children in public schools, have no voice in where and how their money is spent. These people make up a vast majority but the government chooses for them.

    Public teaching has been fundamentally transformed into an enormous entitlement, and dispensing entitlements is the heart of the democrat strategy. Political corruption is a byproduct and easy loans have created colossal private debt, far beyond forgiveness or refunds. A solution is state governments may immediately allow per pupil allocations to any accredited institution according to parental choice. Many states already have such private systems.

    Free enterprise education eliminates the ability to trample one civil right by supporting an opposing civil right. It also precludes indoctrination to unwelcome political agendas. School choice is defined neither by teacher nor the union. We need a robust free market able to deliver general subjects as well as specialties including athletics and arts. It’s a bad idea for any government to educate its children but government schools should be allowed to compete.

  9. I quote John Dewey from an article by John Dunphy titled, A Religion for a New Age, appearing in the January/February 1983 issue of The Humanist Magazine:

    I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being… The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and new ― the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent with the promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of ‘love thy neighbor’ will finally be achieved. (Emphasis added)

    In an article re-posted on the Marxist.com website, W. F. Warde wrote a piece in the winter of 1960 titled: John Dewey’s Theories of Education. In it, he sang the praises of Dewey for advancing the cause of international socialism.

    Here is one of the most egregious excerpts from Warde’s article.

    This eminent thinker of the Progressive movement was the dominant figure in American education. His most valuable and enduring contribution to our culture came from the ideas and methods he fathered in this field. …The communist colony in New Harmony, Indiana, founded by Robert Owen in 1826, pioneered a pattern in free, equal, comprehensive and secular education that had yet to be realized throughout this country over a century later.

    As Thomas Bailey Aldrich once said, “A man is known by the company his mind keeps.”

    A one-time close associate with the Communist Robert Owen, (referenced in the above quote) Orestes Augustus Brownson, L.L.D, laid bare the ultimate goal of the socialists of his time in a speech he delivered on June 29th, 1853 titled; An Oration on Liberal Studies. Once a “fellow traveler” with those promoting socialism through the manipulation of public education in his time, Dr. Brownson later became a Christian and recanted his former associations with these evil workers. Brownson exposed the insidious agenda envisioned by these early engineers of “progressive” education in the following quote.

    The great object is to get rid of Christianity and to convert our churches into halls of science. The plan is not to make open attacks upon religion… but to a system of state schools, from which all religion will be excluded. . . and to which all parents are to be compelled by law to send their children. [The] complete plan is to take the children from their parents at the age of twelve or eighteen months, and to have them raised, fed, clothed, and trained in these schools at the public expense; but at any rate, [they are] to have godless schools for all the children of the country. . . the plan has been successfully pursued . . . and the whole action of the country on the subject has taken the direction we sought to give it. . .

    John Dewey was born six years after this speech was given, but evidently, he later joined ranks with Dr. Brownson’s former associates and fellow travelers.

  10. January 29, 2021
    Today is the 28th anniversary of my political wokeness. This was the day I attended a six hour long education seminar that met the court ordered continuing education requirement for employment in Denver Public Schools. The title of the seminar was ‘How to teach children to write poetry”. The expert educator was an employee of the Governor’s Office of Education and the Education Commission of the States. He was presenting to K-12 teachers throughout Colorado.
    I happened to attend this seminar at McKinley-Thatcher Elementary School. Their principal, Dr. Beverly Gunst had recently been recognized as the best school principal in the United States.
    The speaker began by launching a tirade on the Republican Party. He called us the usual stuff, bigots, racists, homophobes, stupid, and of course, Fascists/Nazis. Nixon and Reagan were vilified but not Bush senior.
    Next, he started discussing a new world view aka (New World Order) according to the UN’s Agenda 21 (The Kyoto Climate UNFCCC Agreements had just been signed in Rio de Janeiro)
    In the future the government would own everything! This includes housing, transportation, energy, leisure, business and so on.
    Housing would be determined by the needs of the people. No one other than the oligarchs, would be able to own a residence.
    1. The government would only allow families with children to live in a single family home.
    2. Singles would live in apartments with 400 sq. feet.
    3. Couples would be allowed 800 sq. foot abodes.
    4. Everyone in the world would have the same allotment.
    5. Suburbs would be abolished.
    6. Rural and mountain communities would be destroyed.
    7. Ranches, and all grazing animals (horses, cows, sheep, and goats) will be eliminated.
    8. Farms would be attended to by workers who reside in the cities and are transported to the fields daily.
    Travel will be eliminated. Walking and biking will be the only methods allowed to use without permission from the government. Buses will be sent to carry people to work if necessary. Only the elite will be able to drive a vehicle. Even they will need a reason to leave their community.

    There will be no private property ownership of any residence, vehicle, or business. Everyone will work for the government. To reach this goal, small businesses will be abolished first. The large businesses will be nationalized after the small businesses are eliminated.
    All energy needs will be met by carbon net zero sources. No fossil fuels, even though natural gas does not produce carbon dioxide, will be used. Nuclear energy
    is not allowed.

    In the afternoon he added to the list of items that are not sustainable and therefore not allowed including:

    • victory gardens
    • rail barrels
    • golf courses
    • ski resorts
    • motorized boats
    • pets
    • vacations

    National parks will be available to the elite only with a prior reservation required.

    The world will be divided into 10 Areas and will be ruled by oligarchs.

    Next, he began talking about environmental concerns. He talked about Mother Earth and how human beings were a detriment to the planet. He stated that we need to rid the planet of 35% of the people living on earth. He also said that the human soul was not any different from the soul of a rock or plant or animal. Most of the rest of the time was spent telling us all how horrible we all were to our planet and how we needed to become socially and personally transformed. We need to embrace the Gaia religion. He inspired all teachers to help their pupils accept this religion as well.
    (Note: This has been replaced by Woke religion and CRT)
    He ended the seminar by holding up Marilyn Ferguson’s book titled, Aquarian Conspiracy and said, “This is my Bible and she is my god. Death to all Christians and Jews!”

    The faculty fervently applauded and reserved a time for classroom visit with him.

    1. Sue, Who was the speaker? I need to know this persons name. Was he a good friend of the liberal mush headed principal? So you are telling me that Beverly Gunst is a real beauty as well for allowing this idiot to come and speak to all of you like that? Why on earth would all these idiots (faculty) clap for this malcontent? Colorado has gone to the #@$%&*^ just like California. One of your US Senators is a real dandy. Bennet was Superintendent of Denver Public Schools. This might have been a reason why this malicious evil puke was allowed to speak to all of you.

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