Tancredo: Bush League Bush

By: Tom Tancredo

The comments President George W. Bush made on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, particularly those linking American citizens with Taliban terrorists, sparked two fond memories of my time as a congressman.

The first took place shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks when I was invited to a luncheon with the Washington Times editorial board. It was a long, rambling event but, because immigration reform had been my primary focus when I was in Congress, the conversation naturally revolved around that. You may recall that almost all of the participants in the attack on the Twin Towers were in the country illegally; they had either overstayed their visas or lied to obtain them. No attempt had ever been made to track them down – which was par for the course: essentially, no one in either category ever faced investigation by immigration authorities. In fact, almost 40 percent of the people in this country illegally arrived legally and then just stayed on past their allotted time.

During that luncheon, I said, “if we have another event like 9/11, and if nothing more had been done to secure our borders than had been done up that point, then the blood of the Americans killed would be on the heads of President Bush and the Members of Congress who failed to enact stricter immigration policies.”

The next morning, after the Washington Times printed my remarks, I had just left my home for my office on Capitol Hill when my phone rang. The caller ID said “White House,” which was a bit shocking because I had, in fact, never received a call from the Bush White House. When I answered, a voice said, “Mr. Tancredo, please hold for Karl Rove,” then-senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to President Bush.

I knew this was probably not going to be a friendly call, but I stayed cordial and asked him how his day was going. He said it had been going well until he read my Washington Times comments. From that point on, the conversation became less cordial, to say the least. As I drove up Highway 395 to D.C., “Bush’s Brain” told me I was a traitor to the president and the party and that I would never again get political support in future campaigns (he should have done his homework before issuing that silly threat; I had never enjoyed the luxury of national party support). Rove rounded out his rant with a loud admonishment to “never darken the doorstep of the White House.”

When Bush’s Brain stopped yapping to replenish his oxygen supply, I reminded him that I had taken an oath to serve and protect Constitution and country, not president and party. I also reminded him that the White House welcome mat had never been out for me in the first place – and that visiting while POTUS 43 held office held no allure for me anyway.

You see, the President and I had sparred on numerous occasions over his subservience to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on immigration policy, his love of big government and the bloated budgets that sustained it, his lies about WMDs in Iraq, and his close association with the Saudi royal family (members of that family, along with scores of other Saudi nationals, were allowed to fly out of the country on Sept 13th, just after the news reported that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis.

Hanging out at the White House had never been high on my to-do list, which brings me to the second fond memory President Bush triggered with his remarks on 9/11. Shortly after being elected to Congress for the first time, I received an invitation to have dinner at the White House with President Clinton, along with the other 38 members of my freshman class. I was the only one who didn’t go. When asked by the press why I did not attend this traditional event, I told them I had a better offer – dinner with my wife. (Besides, I probably would have had to shake Clinton’s hand, and God only knows where it had been.)

The comments President Bush made on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 unmasked the hateful and left-leaning loony tune he really is. As did his reproach to his speechwriter Matt Latimer who was told by his boss to take all references to the conservatism out of a speech he had prepared because, as Bush admonished him, “I have redefined the Republican Party.”

Bush, now off to raise funds for the Trump-bashing Liz Cheney, feels no more need to hide the fact that he sees patriotic Americans through the same snobbish lens as his RINO and Democrat soul mates. The masses exist to be manipulated into voting for the continuation of the globalist agenda – and if it takes lies and subterfuge, so be it. When Donald Trump became the “new sheriff in town,” it threw a monkey wrench into that agenda. In my opinion, George W. Bush was and is the real traitor to his party and to the America that the Founders risked their lives, liberty, and property to create. The three amigos depicted here deserve their place on the trash heap of history.

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29 thoughts on “Tancredo: Bush League Bush

  1. Bush should be in jail. How many American Soldiers were maimed in Iraq under his watch patrolling Iraqi streets for what?

  2. How many x-presidents does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    Three: one to hold the bulb and 2 to turn the chair.

    1. Q: How many ex-presidents does it take to screw the populace?
      A: All democrats and RINOs. The stick keeps getting longer and sharper.

  3. All three need to be Executed for Sedition, Treason and being Traitors to America the American People and the Constitution. No trial is needed as they all have proven that they are Guilty.

    1. A 4 terrorists drone strike by Trump, once he moves back into the White House, will not only blow the fuck out of the worthless fucks. They tax payer’s money will save America billions by cutting of Stumblefuck Joe’s family. Put an end to Obama and poor excuse for a Tranny Michelle’s every whim to soak the tax payers. And Bill and Dumber than Joe, George will be bonuses.

  4. It does my heart good to know that there are still people involved in American politics who understand that they’re there to support the Constitution; and not any particular politician. Dan Bongino was a SS member, who had no problem protecting the life of Barry Soetoro; because that was what he got paid to do. However, his inside information, of what Barry was doing to the country, compelled Bongino to retire from the SS. He couldn’t stomach the idea of protecting a man who was destroying the nation. Kudos to both of you for sticking to your principles, and not bowing to anyone.

  5. Mr. Tancredo is right. Bush is a joke. No, Bush is a HACK. Dictionary meaning. A HACK= to damage or injure by crude, harsh, or insensitive treatment. Can’t call a snake a flower, Karl Rove. THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT, Mr. Tancredo.

    1. I did too. I can’t believe he has become a turncoat. Perhaps it was being loyal to his brother, since Trump didn’t like Jeb’s remarks, but after seeing the immense good Trump did for this country domestically and in foreign affairs, I thought he’d try to be fair. It didn’t happen and now he’s friends with Clinton and Obama. That’s the nail in his coffin for me.

  6. Bush is NO friend to conservatives or to any God fearing American.
    This weak kneed politician needs to FACE THE TRUTH of his terrible leadership. He placed his hand on the Bible – God’s word to uphold the CONTITUION OF THE UNITED STATES. Then proceeded to sell out ALL WHO VOTED for this cheap imitation of a real leader.

    NOW all who have eyes & ears opened see & hear the truth about the scum that has led this country.
    The ONLY EXCEPTION is PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!! This is why the evil doers are all out to get our GREAT PRESIDENT & his followers. All the evil against President Trump will NOT DETER HIS FOLLOWES. Trump is the ONLY GOOD MAN STANDING!

  7. 98% of the Senate and the Congress are evil devil worshippers. They have to go. Hanging or firing squad, it doesn’t matter—they have to go.

  8. To think I voted for, and supported this jackassin elephant garb. The three are the worst thing that happened to America, until the illegitimate we have now,was placed to finish the job barry was doing, till Trump came along and upset the apple cart.
    President Trump is the best we have had in the last 80 years. We, who love this country miss him, and are waiting for his return, as he is the legitimate president!

  9. Thank you Mr. Tancredo for your excellent article! I agree completely, George Bush is nothing but a swamp rat with the blood of our soldiers on his hands.

  10. As soon as mr trump destroyed jeb’s Presidential hopes george was really offended and that is when I noticed the big change in george. I guess blood is thicker than jeb’s shit

  11. Kudos Tom, My sister, a democrat took pleasure in throwing her slipper at the TV whenever Bush appeared. I, as a conservative take pleasure in following her example. Good to know you have stayed the course since your bid as a presidential candidate in 2007.

  12. A life long Republican, I ceased supporting GWB due to his (in tandem with Condoleeza Rice) rabidly advocating for illegal aliens. Recognizing the GOP’s efforts to purge Congressman Tancredo from Congress prompted me to leave the Party and register as an Independent. The Republicans had an encore when they used the same tactics to successfully purge Congressman Steve King. If GWB, Karl Rove and Rona McDaniel serve as leaders of the Republican Party they still have yet to recognize that they are the reason millions have left the Party. We need more Tom Tancredos and Steve Kings and far less GWBs, Roves and McDaniels.

  13. Younger Bush embarrassed his older presidential father – because he could not handle an off-shore oil/gas job in Louisiana Gulf. This was the mainstay job for most of young men here who chose not to go to college – but “privileged” young Bush lasted less than a week. It demanded hard work, agility, and brains! He chose career politics instead! Need I say more?

  14. There is one thing blatantly in evidence in all this, one thing is that we actually know who the Taliban are and what they stand for, and actually they have done nothing to this USA, it was Al-Qaeda, who did the deed on 9/11 not the Taliban, the Taliban may have allowed the terrorist to be there and train, but actually had no hand in 9/11, in any way. Now those domestic terrorist who stormed the US capitol, most likely based on a huge lie from Trump are a completely different story, they are home grown terrorists, and there is only one difference between a Freedom Fighter and a Terrorist that is how persons accept the matter, now when almost 70% say there should be a formal investigation into the Jan 6 and ther people who fomented it should be charged as terrorists. There is no other word for it than sedition of this USA Government, I would be interested in actually knowing the education level of those who actually brought this all together, it was not a random act of supporters of Trump, to well organized.

  15. the elite cabal that sucked up and stole the millions given to help the Haitians in the aftermath of the horrendous earthquake 22 yrs ago … these are not just rinos and progressive libs .. they are backstabbing “Ts” …

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